Sunday, March 14, 2010

How much money does a US Airways flight attendant get to push the credit card on their flights?

Whenever I fly US Airways I have to endure a 10 minute commercial about their credit card and the supposedly great benefits it gives me. Then the fllight attendants walk the plan trying to get passengers to fill out an application. How much money does each flight attendar get per application to waste my time in flight and wake me from a nap to sell me credit card?

How much money does a US Airways flight attendant get to push the credit card on their flights?
The FA's don't get any "bounty" or bonus or commission for doing the credit card speech but they do get lower performance review ratings if they omit the speech, meaning lower raises. That's why they push it really hard on mainline USAir flights (especially the West coast operation, planes and uniforms still bearing the America West branding) and not so hard on the shortline routes that are actually being serviced by another airline like Republic or PSA.

And if you think the USAir credit card routine is annoying, try calling United Customer Service for anything. You could just be changing your seat assignment and they'll give you a 10-minute speech to sell you a rental car or hotel room.
Reply:Here's the fellow who can answer that question and who really needs to know about your concern:

Mister Doug Parker

Chairman and CEO

U.S. Airways

4000 East Sky Harbor Boulevard

Phoenix, Az 85034

Sometimes writing directly to the guy who runs the store works. I just did it with a major manufacturer regarding one of their appliances and you wouldn't believe what fires he lit under the butts of the worker bees.

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