Sunday, October 11, 2009

How do I recieve money after selling on Ebay through paypal?

It appears as if the selling is quite simple to figure out, but it is not clear how I, as the seller, will recieve the money after the buyer pays with paypal. Do I get a check in the mail? How do I get the money from my sale?

How do I recieve money after selling on Ebay through paypal?
you have to go to your paypal account and pick how you want them to send you the money and how much; they will not send it to you automatically; it will sit in our paypal account until you ask them to send it, and they can send a check or transfer it to an account. otherwise, just leave it there and you can use it to buy things too. i like to let mine build up a bit so i have something to play with, then i ask for a transfer to my bank account.
Reply:You can transfer it right to your bank account or request a check, or just keep it in your paypal account to use towards on-line purchases. It's quicker to do a transfer, but you have to set it up on Paypal's site.


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