I am very poor and I cant figure out how to make money! I tried mining, flax, dragons, and air running, none are fast enough! I am looking for a fast way to make money (about 1m an hour or so) and pelase dont say mining and flax. Also, now that the grand exchange is here, I cant figure out what to merchant! Any good items to merchant would be great. I have about 800k.
What is the best new way to make money on runescape?
I'm not sure if you can get 1m an hour. I know that with my current levels I can get 500k an hour easy. You can try to gain cheep items that will sell fast. Snape Grass is good possibility. My levels are at least level 50 in all skills with several in the upper 70s and lower 80s. I recently just got 54 in Summoning and and have Lunar spells too. So I'm studying how to get faster cash. I used to run into the Abyss for Nature Runes. Using world 36 for double Nature is nice. But can be slow waiting in line. The best way I've learned to make cash is to simply stick to a task and keep going for hours on end. If it is mining, sell ores. For fishing, sell raw fish. One of the most common skillcapes I've seen is for Fletching. People will work that skill for cash. Thats one of my level 70s skills btw. I suggest working on your skills so you can High Alch, craft Nature Runes, and Fletch maple and yew longbows. If you sit down and work your skills, the cash will come. Trust me. You could even try making elemental orbs. Try help sites like RuneHq and read their suggestions on making cash. Enjoy.
Reply:LMFAO 1m AN HOUR LOOOOL you cant make 1m AN HOUR LMFAO unless you like merchant godswords lolloloololollolololololololollolo no possible way picky you need to work now that the grand exchange is here based of what you got....
try obsidian shields capes or get your ranged to 70 and def to a good lvl and get torags helm torags legs and otherstuff and go to aviansies they drop addy bars you can make like 300k in 1 trip if you keep going and if you need help try runehq.com they can help but sometimes lack stuff k goodluck also try fletching cut yews fletch them and get bs and string and high alch HIGH ALCHING is a good way to make money if you combine rc fletching wc and something else i forgot you can make alot of money if you have like 70 wc 44 rc 70 fletching you can make a everlastin money supply! also mining would be helpful to get pure ess and high mage to get into the wizard guild
Reply:as far as merchanting goes back in the day it was easy but now it is impossible you can't make enough money to be worth while.
Making one mil a hour is also nearly impossible unless you are extremely lucky with monster drops.
the easiest 2 ways I found to make money is to buy coal and iron and make steel bars and then make them into cannon balls.
and to kill dragons pick up the hide and bones you can make about 50k alone.
Reply:A good advice it is buying or get cowhides. Bank them until you have 1k and then go to Al Kahird( or something like that), go to the tannery and make all of them soft leather then sell it at the grand exchange you will get imediate profit evan if yo buy the cow hides
Another advice of mine is buying 100 iron ore and 200 coal smelt them into steel bars and sell them. You must be lvl 30 of smith/smelt and a place with a bank near the furnance. I suggest you falador for F2P. You buy 1 iron+ 2 coal with 245 or something but for a steel bar you get 600+. Cool huh?
Hope I helped you but I have other MANY advices so pls add me on messenger to talk about runescape
Reply:There isn't a fast way to start making 1m an hour. What I would do is raise my wc lvl then cut yews, then, when it's 75-80 go cut mages in the gnome stronghold. Takes a while to raise a skill, but that's the fastest way to make big bucks.
You can also fish/cook lobsters, then sharks, manta rays, etc.
Also try looking through http://runescape.wikia.com, http://runehq.com, and http://tip.it
They have guides on raising skills, merchanting, or even starting a rs company (though I don't know that that's a very good idea)
I'd put it in here but I don't want to be typing out the incredibly large amount of info on these sites combined.
Reply:The simple answer is bones. i'm sure you love killing stuff so just pick up some bones. you could get on a boat from port sarim and get monkey bones which are worth more. bones are worth 90gp at the grand exchange and monkey bones are worth 195gp. i usually make about 2.5k every 5 mins from doing this. hope it helps
Reply:The best and only effective way to make money in Runescape is using the Grand Exchange. Since you already have almost 1,000k gp it should be easy enough for you.
Reply:The BEST WAY EVER is to wc, I make 300k a day cutting magic logs and i have 87 wcing so once you get good you can get good money. But also to make 20k each day you can buy seaweed and something else... by talking to a guy in the general store in catherby.
Reply:Here is a pretty good money making guide broken down by free players and member skills.
Or various no skilling ways to make money on runescape
Good Luck
Reply:well i'm f2p so i don't know many member's ways of making money. But i guess u could try woodcutting and chop magic trees which are worth like 1k a log.
Reply:On my runescape I mine clay.1000 clay is 100k if you sell it for 100 in Grand Exchange.You can also go to this site for how to make millions on runescape.http://rsriches.blogspot.com/2007/09/1gp...
Reply:actually dragons are fast you just don't know it. it may take a long time to fill your inventory, but you get a lot of money.
Reply:you sad sad little boy for playing runescape.
1) hack into sum 1's account
2) hack into the server
3) use a hacking device to change ur own account
isnt hacking great!!!
Reply:Hehe, you could hack the game and use a system that would let you make your 500gp into 500,000gp.
Or not...
Reply:Mining, go to the mine by Varock, when u get a mining LV.18 byuy a mithril pick and mine at the mine depot near al Kahid
Reply:uhh maybe try thoughs glitch things on youtube some work
I remeber when i played i glitched and got so much cash
but yahh if your over 8 STOP PLAYING
Reply:go buy stuff and sell it for other people for more money.
Reply:quit playing.. your wasting your life
Reply:well if u have good fishing try catherbay, bay right next to dock
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