Sunday, October 11, 2009

How does Chrysler make money off of the new gas promotion?

This may seem like weird question but how does Chrysler make money off of this promotion. This seems like they will lose money by doing the $2.99 a gallon. I guess they think more people will buy their cars so they can make it by it or there may be a catch i just didn't get. Can anyone help me?

How does Chrysler make money off of the new gas promotion?
The amount of gas, and miles are both capped. It works out to about $450 a year in incentives which on most of their models is far less then the cash rebates they were offering.

In short it's a gimmick to sell cars to people who are scared by the gas prices.
Reply:The truth is Chryslers do not get near their Stated Estimated Mileage. I know this because I have one and I've rented them and ... they just don't.

The offer they are making ... if you read the details has Caps. 12,000 miles (At the mileage they "claim" the vehicle will get).

It's also tied directly to a credit card and they do the math on their end.

So it's just another auto industry come on. There is really no way they can lose on the deal. They are not stupid, they've done the math.

And don't expect the dealer to offer other incentives along with this promotion. It's a limited time deal for about a month.

More of the same.

I can not recommend Chrysler anything. Plus they have been sold and resold... so who really owns them now?
Reply:its built into price of what you buy the manufacter is givin you a deal and most people think its a great deal buy really isntits a sales pitch

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