Does the government take away more money from teenagers than adults?
How much money does the government take away from our paychecks?
The government has a table based on your income, and the number of exemptions you claim and whether you are married or single.
Generally, adults will earn much more than teenagers, so they will have a higher percentage witheld. However, if the adult had wife and 4 kids, they would have to earn a lot more in order to have much more taken out, than a single teenager with no kids.
Reply:For the first question more than they usally use.
For the second ??? they take more from adults because they have a retirement fund to mooch off of.
Reply:If you'll study the tax rate schedule you'll discover that the I R S gets 1 dollar for every 5 you make
Reply:Taxes are based off of how much you make. Adults get more taxes generaly, only because they tend to make more money.
Next time you get upset about taxes just remember, that while the government doesn't always spend it wisely to is used to repair roads, pay public teachers, police officers, firepeople, etc. Our lives would be alot worse if we didn't pay taxes. And if that doesn't work imagine if we did the value added tax instead of an income tax.
Friday, November 6, 2009
How much money to put in gift certificate for tattoo?
I want to give my boyfriend (of 10 months) a gift certificate for himself to go get a tattoo for his 22nd birthday. He already has several tattoos and talks about starting a sleeve on his arm. How much money should I put in the gift certificate? Or should I just make a homemade gift voucher stating that I will pay for his next tattoo at whatever place he chooses?
How much money to put in gift certificate for tattoo?
Definately do the homemade idea. Cash talks...and since a good portion of tattoo artists can be flaky its best to have it on hand and not a gift certificate that has already been paid for. Think about it. The artist has already been paid if you have a gift would make much more sense to him to book someone when he can still make money. Sounds bad and I am sure all artists are different but its how it works most of the time. In regards to how much $$$ to give as a gift, it totally depends upon the tattoo. As little as $50-75 to cover a shop minimum...or A couple grand for sleeve. Figure $100-150 an hour for a good artist.
Reply:Um ... if you offer to pay for the next one without putting a limit on how much he could run you dry depending on what he gets so I suggest making a voucher stating you will pay for $70 to $100, however much you can afford. This way he isn't restricted to a shop or an artist and you don't have to worry about how much you'll pay because you set the limit. Great gift idea, I'm sure he'll love it!
Reply:If he wants a sleeve, depending on the artist, it'll run him around 2 grand. So, I'm sure whatever you can muster up would be helpful. Maybe 4 or 5 hundred so he can get the outline and some shading done.
Reply:tattoos very in cost based on the operator, the size of the tatoo, the number of colors, etc.
You should find out which tatoo artist he wants to use and talk with him/her about prices for tatoos.
Reply:It really depends on how much you want or can afford to give. If you're on a fixed budget, a $50 gift cert would be nice. Or if you two are into spoiling each other, offer to pay for his next tattoo, but buyer beware that that could cost you a pretty penny. Best of luck!
Reply:i think you should do the homemade gift voucher. because every artist charges a different price depending on: color, size, etc. It sounds like a great idea. Good Luck.
Reply:i would do the homeade thing, and put about $100. that would be enough for a start. and very sweet!
Reply:I would go with the homemade gift voucher. There are too many variables regarding price, plus he might have a preferred artist to go to. Or he might want to try someone new, but it's best to let him choose the artist. I am sure he will love it. :)
How much money to put in gift certificate for tattoo?
Definately do the homemade idea. Cash talks...and since a good portion of tattoo artists can be flaky its best to have it on hand and not a gift certificate that has already been paid for. Think about it. The artist has already been paid if you have a gift would make much more sense to him to book someone when he can still make money. Sounds bad and I am sure all artists are different but its how it works most of the time. In regards to how much $$$ to give as a gift, it totally depends upon the tattoo. As little as $50-75 to cover a shop minimum...or A couple grand for sleeve. Figure $100-150 an hour for a good artist.
Reply:Um ... if you offer to pay for the next one without putting a limit on how much he could run you dry depending on what he gets so I suggest making a voucher stating you will pay for $70 to $100, however much you can afford. This way he isn't restricted to a shop or an artist and you don't have to worry about how much you'll pay because you set the limit. Great gift idea, I'm sure he'll love it!
Reply:If he wants a sleeve, depending on the artist, it'll run him around 2 grand. So, I'm sure whatever you can muster up would be helpful. Maybe 4 or 5 hundred so he can get the outline and some shading done.
Reply:tattoos very in cost based on the operator, the size of the tatoo, the number of colors, etc.
You should find out which tatoo artist he wants to use and talk with him/her about prices for tatoos.
Reply:It really depends on how much you want or can afford to give. If you're on a fixed budget, a $50 gift cert would be nice. Or if you two are into spoiling each other, offer to pay for his next tattoo, but buyer beware that that could cost you a pretty penny. Best of luck!
Reply:i think you should do the homemade gift voucher. because every artist charges a different price depending on: color, size, etc. It sounds like a great idea. Good Luck.
Reply:i would do the homeade thing, and put about $100. that would be enough for a start. and very sweet!
Reply:I would go with the homemade gift voucher. There are too many variables regarding price, plus he might have a preferred artist to go to. Or he might want to try someone new, but it's best to let him choose the artist. I am sure he will love it. :)
How much money does a bartender make ?
How much money does a bartender make on a full time basis and part time basis including tips and salary. Do most places hire full time or part time ?
How much money does a bartender make ?
Depends on the bar, A real busy bar and you know what your doing you can make much more part time, Then working full time in a slow bar....
Reply:well to answer both of your questions, it depends on where you serve and yes most establishments will employ both pt and ft bartenders. the more high end of a resturant/club you work the more $$ you will see. What is the most important is that you can work around the IRS by claiming about half of your tips. Keep in mind cc are traceable so all cash tips are not. Good luck and keep these things in mind. If you have never been a bartender before, you may have to start off small then work your way up to a bigger establishment. You will not be called a "mixoligist" untill you are in a ver trendy or big place. Good luck I hope this helps. BTW, bartending like serving is a cash business nd you can make good money if you are willing to sacrifice fri and sat nights!
Reply:It depends, of course, on where the bar is, and what kind of bar it is. For instance, in Las Vegas, bartenders have a union and make excellent wages and tips. Bartending in Vegas is a hard job to get - it can takes years as an apprentice before you get to be a real bartender.
In a big city, working at a trendy club or upscale restaurant can be an excellent gig, again - hard to land unless you know someone.
So, there are lots of variables.
Reply:everyone else is right but no one gave numbers so I will. Overall national average for a bar manager pay is $627 and bartenders are $10 an hour plus tips. Now tips are hard to say cause like she said only cc tips are traceable and none of us are gonna report what we really make cause we dont want to pay taxes on it. I dont know what it is everywhere else but I can tell you in Albany, GA kinda small (sorta) the average is about $200 a night for a good night
How much money does a bartender make ?
Depends on the bar, A real busy bar and you know what your doing you can make much more part time, Then working full time in a slow bar....
Reply:well to answer both of your questions, it depends on where you serve and yes most establishments will employ both pt and ft bartenders. the more high end of a resturant/club you work the more $$ you will see. What is the most important is that you can work around the IRS by claiming about half of your tips. Keep in mind cc are traceable so all cash tips are not. Good luck and keep these things in mind. If you have never been a bartender before, you may have to start off small then work your way up to a bigger establishment. You will not be called a "mixoligist" untill you are in a ver trendy or big place. Good luck I hope this helps. BTW, bartending like serving is a cash business nd you can make good money if you are willing to sacrifice fri and sat nights!
Reply:It depends, of course, on where the bar is, and what kind of bar it is. For instance, in Las Vegas, bartenders have a union and make excellent wages and tips. Bartending in Vegas is a hard job to get - it can takes years as an apprentice before you get to be a real bartender.
In a big city, working at a trendy club or upscale restaurant can be an excellent gig, again - hard to land unless you know someone.
So, there are lots of variables.
Reply:everyone else is right but no one gave numbers so I will. Overall national average for a bar manager pay is $627 and bartenders are $10 an hour plus tips. Now tips are hard to say cause like she said only cc tips are traceable and none of us are gonna report what we really make cause we dont want to pay taxes on it. I dont know what it is everywhere else but I can tell you in Albany, GA kinda small (sorta) the average is about $200 a night for a good night
How much money could i get for selling a nintendo gamecube?
How much money could i get for selling a used gamecube also a wireless controller and zelda windwaker?
How much money could i get for selling a nintendo gamecube?
I agree about 50 is what your going to get it for. With everything else made $65 - $75
Reply:like 100 to 150 maybe more but there old and nobody plays gamecube
Reply:one million dollars
Reply:I think if you put it on ebay you can get up to 300 bucks.
Reply:Honestly...around 50 bux depending on the condition of your console
Reply:at gamestop only 25 but if u sell it on youre own do it for 50-65 thats what i did
How much money could i get for selling a nintendo gamecube?
I agree about 50 is what your going to get it for. With everything else made $65 - $75
Reply:like 100 to 150 maybe more but there old and nobody plays gamecube
Reply:one million dollars
Reply:I think if you put it on ebay you can get up to 300 bucks.
Reply:Honestly...around 50 bux depending on the condition of your console
Reply:at gamestop only 25 but if u sell it on youre own do it for 50-65 thats what i did
How much money do 2 people need in Paris for sightseeing?
My husband and I are planning a small trip in Europe including three nights in Paris.
We would like to include the major tourist attractions (Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Musée d'Orsay, Sacre Coeurbut etc) but may have to take it a bit easy as I will be five months pregnant.
Including entrance fees and getting around with the metro how much money do we need for sight seeing?
How much money do 2 people need in Paris for sightseeing?
Entrance fees vary. Many tourist sights are free. Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur, for example, are working churchs and you just walk in. There is a fee for climbing to the top of the bell tower of Notre Dame but I doubt a pregnant woman would want to try that. The Arc de Triomphe is a public space and there is no entrance fee.
Museum fees range from 10 € for the Centre Pompidou to 8.50 € for the Louvre to 6.00 € for the Rodin museum.
A trip to the top of the Eiffel tower will cost you 11.50 € and some time waiting in line (not worth it...the view of the city from the steps in front of Sacre Coeur is just as good).
Buy metro tickets by the "carnet" (a book of ten tickets) which brings the individual ticket price down to just a little over 1 € per trip. If you think you'll hit the Metro more than 5 times in one day then buy a "mobilis" a one day pass which costs 5.60 € for zones 1 %26amp; 2 (which includes all of Paris proper).
Your exact entrance costs will therefore depend on how many sights you try to squeeze into your time while your travel costs will be no more than 5.60 € per person if you use public transportation.
Reply:Hmm, I was there over two years ago and on a student budget (meaning student discounts and just trying to save money in general). So considering that, the fact that prices may have increased, and the dollar is struggling, I am afraid to hazard a guess that may be completely off.
But I will wish you lots of fun! I have incredibly fond memories of the city and really loved every single place you've just mentioned. Be aware you'll be doing lots of walking: all over the city, big climb up to sacre coeur, and even just within the museums. It's true what they say about the Louvre, you could spend 5 or 6 days in there and still not see everything.
Reply:You would probably need about 50 Euros each for entrance fees and about 11 Euros for travel.
The queues at the Eiffel Tower is always very long so be prepared for a wait. The trip on the river is good.
Reply:Alot, especially since American money is toilet paper compared to Euros, Most cafes are expensive, and even alot of street vendors are pricey. I would probably say 200 Euros per day, and that doesn't count shopping.
Reply:Hi. Please skip the Louvre and focus on the Orsay. It's a better museum in many ways and not nearly as crowded. The art there is MUCH more interesting as well (realists, impressionists). They're open very late on Thursday (10pm) also. Notre Dame is just down the Seine too and is beautiful at night but you may want to visit during the day to get inside and see the crown of thorns and cross of Jesus (displayed on first Friday of each month).
Money. You'll need:
around 50 euros for a 3 day metro pass for both of you.
entrance fees: get a musueum pass for all the museums from the tourist desk; around 30 euros per person depending on what kind of pass.
taxis in case you get tired or lost (30-50 euros).
food: around 50 euros a day for both of you for just basic meals twice a day. More if you want something nicer. There is a nice french cafeteria on ave wagram near etoile where you can get a great meal for 9 euros including main course, side item, drink, and dessert. Very traditional french food. It's called the "Monte Carlo".
We would like to include the major tourist attractions (Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, Musée d'Orsay, Sacre Coeurbut etc) but may have to take it a bit easy as I will be five months pregnant.
Including entrance fees and getting around with the metro how much money do we need for sight seeing?
How much money do 2 people need in Paris for sightseeing?
Entrance fees vary. Many tourist sights are free. Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur, for example, are working churchs and you just walk in. There is a fee for climbing to the top of the bell tower of Notre Dame but I doubt a pregnant woman would want to try that. The Arc de Triomphe is a public space and there is no entrance fee.
Museum fees range from 10 € for the Centre Pompidou to 8.50 € for the Louvre to 6.00 € for the Rodin museum.
A trip to the top of the Eiffel tower will cost you 11.50 € and some time waiting in line (not worth it...the view of the city from the steps in front of Sacre Coeur is just as good).
Buy metro tickets by the "carnet" (a book of ten tickets) which brings the individual ticket price down to just a little over 1 € per trip. If you think you'll hit the Metro more than 5 times in one day then buy a "mobilis" a one day pass which costs 5.60 € for zones 1 %26amp; 2 (which includes all of Paris proper).
Your exact entrance costs will therefore depend on how many sights you try to squeeze into your time while your travel costs will be no more than 5.60 € per person if you use public transportation.
Reply:Hmm, I was there over two years ago and on a student budget (meaning student discounts and just trying to save money in general). So considering that, the fact that prices may have increased, and the dollar is struggling, I am afraid to hazard a guess that may be completely off.
But I will wish you lots of fun! I have incredibly fond memories of the city and really loved every single place you've just mentioned. Be aware you'll be doing lots of walking: all over the city, big climb up to sacre coeur, and even just within the museums. It's true what they say about the Louvre, you could spend 5 or 6 days in there and still not see everything.
Reply:You would probably need about 50 Euros each for entrance fees and about 11 Euros for travel.
The queues at the Eiffel Tower is always very long so be prepared for a wait. The trip on the river is good.
Reply:Alot, especially since American money is toilet paper compared to Euros, Most cafes are expensive, and even alot of street vendors are pricey. I would probably say 200 Euros per day, and that doesn't count shopping.
Reply:Hi. Please skip the Louvre and focus on the Orsay. It's a better museum in many ways and not nearly as crowded. The art there is MUCH more interesting as well (realists, impressionists). They're open very late on Thursday (10pm) also. Notre Dame is just down the Seine too and is beautiful at night but you may want to visit during the day to get inside and see the crown of thorns and cross of Jesus (displayed on first Friday of each month).
Money. You'll need:
around 50 euros for a 3 day metro pass for both of you.
entrance fees: get a musueum pass for all the museums from the tourist desk; around 30 euros per person depending on what kind of pass.
taxis in case you get tired or lost (30-50 euros).
food: around 50 euros a day for both of you for just basic meals twice a day. More if you want something nicer. There is a nice french cafeteria on ave wagram near etoile where you can get a great meal for 9 euros including main course, side item, drink, and dessert. Very traditional french food. It's called the "Monte Carlo".
What are some ways to ake extra money in my neighborhood?
I am a mom, have two kids, work full time for a company and part time on my own club promotion business. Still I am not making enough money. Does anyone know what I can do to make extra money in my area that can involve my kids? I am not looking for online surveys, secret shopper, or scams. Just fun things we can do to make extra money together as a family. Thanks sooooooooooooo much!
What are some ways to ake extra money in my neighborhood?
Brenda, What you have is the power of networking and there is no greater recipe for business than that.
I am not going to try and sell you on the online surveys,shopping scams. I have been there already so I know it does not work.
But if you try and be a little creative, you can make hell of a lot of money, enjoy time with your kids and help others make money too.
There is nothing greater than the ability to help others tide over their financial problems.
So drop me an email, its anyway free, wont cost you anything, no hidden charges, or credit cards.
No selling lame products or wasting endless hours on the net . Its what you see is what you get.
Reply:Wow, it sounds like you are really busy already!!! Do you have time to do any more? It's hard to give much advice without knowing more about your kids, such as how old and responsible they are. If age appropriate, they can work for their own spending money, by doing things in the neighborhood such as babysitting, pet walking, car washing, lawn mowing, pool cleaning, taking a paper route, etc.
Or you might be able to start a service at home, such as pet babysitting when neighbors go on vacation. Or maybe pet washing. Your kids might be good in school and able to tutor other students for a little cash.
I used to do menial work at home like envelope stuffing to make an extra buck when I was in my late teens. It was a perfect job, I could do it while I listened to music or watched TV.
If your kids are creative, they might have some ideas of their own on making some products to sell locally. Would making scented candles or colorful soaps or gift baskets be appealing to them? Would anyone be willing to buy them in your area?
Good luck!
What are some ways to ake extra money in my neighborhood?
Brenda, What you have is the power of networking and there is no greater recipe for business than that.
I am not going to try and sell you on the online surveys,shopping scams. I have been there already so I know it does not work.
But if you try and be a little creative, you can make hell of a lot of money, enjoy time with your kids and help others make money too.
There is nothing greater than the ability to help others tide over their financial problems.
So drop me an email, its anyway free, wont cost you anything, no hidden charges, or credit cards.
No selling lame products or wasting endless hours on the net . Its what you see is what you get.
Reply:Wow, it sounds like you are really busy already!!! Do you have time to do any more? It's hard to give much advice without knowing more about your kids, such as how old and responsible they are. If age appropriate, they can work for their own spending money, by doing things in the neighborhood such as babysitting, pet walking, car washing, lawn mowing, pool cleaning, taking a paper route, etc.
Or you might be able to start a service at home, such as pet babysitting when neighbors go on vacation. Or maybe pet washing. Your kids might be good in school and able to tutor other students for a little cash.
I used to do menial work at home like envelope stuffing to make an extra buck when I was in my late teens. It was a perfect job, I could do it while I listened to music or watched TV.
If your kids are creative, they might have some ideas of their own on making some products to sell locally. Would making scented candles or colorful soaps or gift baskets be appealing to them? Would anyone be willing to buy them in your area?
Good luck!
What is the best way to put money away for my nieces and nephew?
I've been buying Seires EE savings bonds twice a year for each of them and will continue till there 18yrs old. But the last bond won't be mature till there 28yrs old and I want that money to be available to them when they reach 18 or 21yr old. Also I would like the money to be used for what ever they want not just education. I would like to maintaine control of the money till I feel they are mature enough to use it wisely.
What is the best way to put money away for my nieces and nephew?
Put the money in a high interest savings account. You will have complete control over the money and there are no fees or minimums.
ING Direct is offering 4.50% for savings and they have excellent customer service.
Reply:college plans (529) are your better options but bonds eh not bad
Reply:You can establish a trust fund for each, which could be transferred either when you think they're old enough, or at a maximum age 25, for example. Seems costly, unless you want to give them quite a large sum.
Otherwise, assuming your own health is good, you could simply wait until you believe they've reached maturity and begin gifting them annually at whatever rate you wish.
What is the best way to put money away for my nieces and nephew?
Put the money in a high interest savings account. You will have complete control over the money and there are no fees or minimums.
ING Direct is offering 4.50% for savings and they have excellent customer service.
Reply:college plans (529) are your better options but bonds eh not bad
Reply:You can establish a trust fund for each, which could be transferred either when you think they're old enough, or at a maximum age 25, for example. Seems costly, unless you want to give them quite a large sum.
Otherwise, assuming your own health is good, you could simply wait until you believe they've reached maturity and begin gifting them annually at whatever rate you wish.
What is the best way to put money away for my nieces and nephew?
I've been buying Seires EE savings bonds twice a year for each of them and will continue till there 18yrs old. But the last bond won't be mature till there 28yrs old and I want that money to be available to them when they reach 18 or 21yr old. Also I would like the money to be used for what ever they want not just education. I would like to maintaine control of the money till I feel they are mature enough to use it wisely.
What is the best way to put money away for my nieces and nephew?
Put the money in a high interest savings account. You will have complete control over the money and there are no fees or minimums.
ING Direct is offering 4.50% for savings and they have excellent customer service.
Reply:college plans (529) are your better options but bonds eh not bad
Reply:You can establish a trust fund for each, which could be transferred either when you think they're old enough, or at a maximum age 25, for example. Seems costly, unless you want to give them quite a large sum.
Otherwise, assuming your own health is good, you could simply wait until you believe they've reached maturity and begin gifting them annually at whatever rate you wish.
What is the best way to put money away for my nieces and nephew?
Put the money in a high interest savings account. You will have complete control over the money and there are no fees or minimums.
ING Direct is offering 4.50% for savings and they have excellent customer service.
Reply:college plans (529) are your better options but bonds eh not bad
Reply:You can establish a trust fund for each, which could be transferred either when you think they're old enough, or at a maximum age 25, for example. Seems costly, unless you want to give them quite a large sum.
Otherwise, assuming your own health is good, you could simply wait until you believe they've reached maturity and begin gifting them annually at whatever rate you wish.
How much money do mortgage brokers make?
I heard that mortgage brokers drive Porches and make tons of money. By and large, how much does the average mortgage broker make?
How much money do mortgage brokers make?
Depends on the person. Two items that affect their income is volume (number of loans they close) and how aggressively they price their loans. With the real estate market booming and the rates being so low the last three years, loan officers stood to make quite a bit (everyone was buying and refinancing). Even inexperienced loan officers did well previously. When the market was hot, I saw good loan officers making around the $300,000 mark. But now things have slowed sales wise and rates have risen (not as many refinances). Some who made easy money previously have little to no pipeline now. Its sales - you need to build a referral base and be persistent. A good loan officer can still make over $100,000 per year. It can be a tough business (just like any competitive commission sales career).
Reply:They have allot people come and get mortgages they must make money helping people
Reply:There is no set amount the average mortgage broker makes. It is a sales buiness and all depends on the amount of business they do on a given year. the last 6 years have been really good for us. So there is a boom of Brokers showing off their earnings.
Reply:How successful do you want to become?
How much money do mortgage brokers make?
Depends on the person. Two items that affect their income is volume (number of loans they close) and how aggressively they price their loans. With the real estate market booming and the rates being so low the last three years, loan officers stood to make quite a bit (everyone was buying and refinancing). Even inexperienced loan officers did well previously. When the market was hot, I saw good loan officers making around the $300,000 mark. But now things have slowed sales wise and rates have risen (not as many refinances). Some who made easy money previously have little to no pipeline now. Its sales - you need to build a referral base and be persistent. A good loan officer can still make over $100,000 per year. It can be a tough business (just like any competitive commission sales career).
Reply:They have allot people come and get mortgages they must make money helping people
Reply:There is no set amount the average mortgage broker makes. It is a sales buiness and all depends on the amount of business they do on a given year. the last 6 years have been really good for us. So there is a boom of Brokers showing off their earnings.
Reply:How successful do you want to become?
How much money should I give a 18 yr old boy for his high school graduation?
I dont intend to go over the top here. What is a reasonable amount of money to go in a graduation card?
His parents are filthy rich and make much more than I do.
How much money should I give a 18 yr old boy for his high school graduation?
I got $0 when I graduated and my younger sister got over $500. Without trying to be bitter, I think $40 is a good amount to give.
Reply:If he is a non-relative give him a card that wishes congratulations. If you know him well add $10. If he is a relative $40-60.
Reply:His parents are rich not him. I give $50. or $100. depending on my families needs not the graduate.
Good luck!
Reply:Doesn't matter how rich his parents are. $100 spends the same everywhere you go. I'd say at least $100. If he's your nephew or something close like that, maybe $150-$200.
Or a gift card to Denny's. You know, just whatever. ;)
Reply:tell him to get a job. He's a high school graduate
Reply:$20 sounds about right. Or even $15... he probably has so much money rolling in that he will not remember who gave him how much.
Reply:Hmm, well I'm trying to remember back to what I got, I think mainly 20's or 50's. 20's from close friends and distance family, 50's only from the really close or rich people. Course I'm from a small town, where 20 bucks got you quite a bit.
Reply:If his parents are filthy rich, chances are that he doesn't need your money. Get him something he doesn't have - something thoughtful. How about a season pass to an amusement park? Or a cool gadget for his car? Something nice for his dorm room next year? A sky diving adventure or a flying lesson? Something that he wouldn't normally get, but would definitely enjoy.
Reply:i graduated last year and received some 20"s like a couple of 50"s and only alittle more from my parents, so i would say between 20$ and 50$ if a good amount depending on what u can offer at the moment and the person"s needs etc. u will know what is appropriate for you and him\her. and its the thought that counts anyways :)
His parents are filthy rich and make much more than I do.
How much money should I give a 18 yr old boy for his high school graduation?
I got $0 when I graduated and my younger sister got over $500. Without trying to be bitter, I think $40 is a good amount to give.
Reply:If he is a non-relative give him a card that wishes congratulations. If you know him well add $10. If he is a relative $40-60.
Reply:His parents are rich not him. I give $50. or $100. depending on my families needs not the graduate.
Good luck!
Reply:Doesn't matter how rich his parents are. $100 spends the same everywhere you go. I'd say at least $100. If he's your nephew or something close like that, maybe $150-$200.
Or a gift card to Denny's. You know, just whatever. ;)
Reply:tell him to get a job. He's a high school graduate
Reply:$20 sounds about right. Or even $15... he probably has so much money rolling in that he will not remember who gave him how much.
Reply:Hmm, well I'm trying to remember back to what I got, I think mainly 20's or 50's. 20's from close friends and distance family, 50's only from the really close or rich people. Course I'm from a small town, where 20 bucks got you quite a bit.
Reply:If his parents are filthy rich, chances are that he doesn't need your money. Get him something he doesn't have - something thoughtful. How about a season pass to an amusement park? Or a cool gadget for his car? Something nice for his dorm room next year? A sky diving adventure or a flying lesson? Something that he wouldn't normally get, but would definitely enjoy.
Reply:i graduated last year and received some 20"s like a couple of 50"s and only alittle more from my parents, so i would say between 20$ and 50$ if a good amount depending on what u can offer at the moment and the person"s needs etc. u will know what is appropriate for you and him\her. and its the thought that counts anyways :)
How do I start investing money in stocks without a lot of money to start?I?
Which trading company is good for some one starting off without experience and a lot of money?
How do I start investing money in stocks without a lot of money to start?I?
Your only real hope would be a SHAREBUILDER account from either (depending on where you're from): (US original version) (UK franchised version)
Which allows you to buy stocks for small amounts of money, including fractions of stocks as they "bulk buy" everyone's stocks in one big lot, then split them between their customers accounts in the appropriate amounts.
Don't forget to read up on investing in stocks at these 2 sites first before diving into anything:
As for those other answerer's who mentioned mutual funds, bare in mind this word of warning from before paying any attention to them:
"Approximately 80% of mutual funds underperform the average return of the stock market."
Reply:Small cap companies.
Reply:Mutual funds are the best. I lost money in stocks becaue of my inexperience. either u study the share market sometime before u invest or follow mutual fund route.
Reply:best thing in the world for you to do is to set up an account with a mutual fund and they will let you invest only $50.00 a month into your account right from a checking or savings account. you don't have to know anything about the stock market, they will do everything for you, all you need is that small amount of money. call vanguard, if they can't help you, call amercian funds and they will help you, but with them you need to work with a broker and they will help you find one in your area. after you do this, go out and buy a few books about the stock market and start learning, the stock market is one of the greatest things in the world, but it is also very difficult and complex...........I hope this helps
Reply:TD Ameritrade ($2,000.00 USD)
Reply:That's not a good idea you will get killed by the commissions. Invest in a Mutual Fund it is the best way Go To
Reply:buy blue chip warrants in chunks as you can afford, say $5000 worth every year.
How do I start investing money in stocks without a lot of money to start?I?
Your only real hope would be a SHAREBUILDER account from either (depending on where you're from): (US original version) (UK franchised version)
Which allows you to buy stocks for small amounts of money, including fractions of stocks as they "bulk buy" everyone's stocks in one big lot, then split them between their customers accounts in the appropriate amounts.
Don't forget to read up on investing in stocks at these 2 sites first before diving into anything:
As for those other answerer's who mentioned mutual funds, bare in mind this word of warning from before paying any attention to them:
"Approximately 80% of mutual funds underperform the average return of the stock market."
Reply:Small cap companies.
Reply:Mutual funds are the best. I lost money in stocks becaue of my inexperience. either u study the share market sometime before u invest or follow mutual fund route.
Reply:best thing in the world for you to do is to set up an account with a mutual fund and they will let you invest only $50.00 a month into your account right from a checking or savings account. you don't have to know anything about the stock market, they will do everything for you, all you need is that small amount of money. call vanguard, if they can't help you, call amercian funds and they will help you, but with them you need to work with a broker and they will help you find one in your area. after you do this, go out and buy a few books about the stock market and start learning, the stock market is one of the greatest things in the world, but it is also very difficult and complex...........I hope this helps
Reply:TD Ameritrade ($2,000.00 USD)
Reply:That's not a good idea you will get killed by the commissions. Invest in a Mutual Fund it is the best way Go To
Reply:buy blue chip warrants in chunks as you can afford, say $5000 worth every year.
How much money can I expect to earn as a community college professor?
I plan on getting my master's in mathematics, and I was wondering how much money I can expect to earn at a community college as a math professor. (Either in Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, or Georgia.)
I couldn't find much info online.
How much money can I expect to earn as a community college professor?
regular high school teachers get paid about 70k + on salary . if you were a professor , then you would probably get paid 100K over .
Reply:go to you can see what the range is depending on the exact title, location, and educational background.
I couldn't find much info online.
How much money can I expect to earn as a community college professor?
regular high school teachers get paid about 70k + on salary . if you were a professor , then you would probably get paid 100K over .
Reply:go to you can see what the range is depending on the exact title, location, and educational background.
How much money can you earn before you have to declare it?
I was told that a person is allowed to make some money (from miscellaneous jobs, garage sales, ebay, etc.) without having to declare it.
I am currently doing some translations for people and, so far have made 400$, but I am not a business, this is more like helping someone and getting some money in exchange. It is done over the internet, but I do not provide these people with an invoice (nor do they ask for one).
How much money can you earn before you have to declare it?
Thats incorrect. You should declare all of your income, regardless of how much or how little it is. Although you may not consider it a business, it technically is one. In essance you are willing to provide a service (translation) in exchange for money. Whether or not you provide invoices to your "clients" has no bearing.
If this business makes very little money as you say it does than more than it would be fair to say that you probably wouldn't get audited by the IRS for not reporting this as income, but the correct way of handling this is that you should be declaring this money as income.
Reply:You should declare all your income. If you don't make enough, you won't have to pay any taxes.
purchase flowers
I am currently doing some translations for people and, so far have made 400$, but I am not a business, this is more like helping someone and getting some money in exchange. It is done over the internet, but I do not provide these people with an invoice (nor do they ask for one).
How much money can you earn before you have to declare it?
Thats incorrect. You should declare all of your income, regardless of how much or how little it is. Although you may not consider it a business, it technically is one. In essance you are willing to provide a service (translation) in exchange for money. Whether or not you provide invoices to your "clients" has no bearing.
If this business makes very little money as you say it does than more than it would be fair to say that you probably wouldn't get audited by the IRS for not reporting this as income, but the correct way of handling this is that you should be declaring this money as income.
Reply:You should declare all your income. If you don't make enough, you won't have to pay any taxes.
purchase flowers
What's the minimum amount of money you'd start with before buying stock?
I've got money in my scottrade account but I want to get a decent dividend on my investments.
What's the minimum amount of money you'd start with before buying stock?
Because there are so many good stocks trading at under $10 a share and Scottrade only charges $7 a trade, you could spend a few hundred and make a good investment. Decades ago at least $1000 was the typical answer. There are several closed-end funds that pay nice dividends and are going for less than $5 (like USA and ZTR). Also the Canadian Oil Trusts like HTE are under $10. But if McCain doesn't win the election, we all will be headed for a depression (because of Obama's higher taxes), and even these cheap stocks could go even lower. If McCain wins, look for a major stock rally on the 5th of Nov.
Reply:No matter how much money you have, I'd suggest that beginners start with mutual funds or ETFs instead of individual stocks (with the possible exception of REITs).
Two of the main problems that beginners have are insufficient funds to diversify properly, and insufficient knowledge. Starting with funds or ETFs gives you instant diversification with very low overhead. At a starting figure of, say, $1000, buying a single ETF will have a very low commission, as compared to buying 10 different stocks. ($1K is definitely too small if you're going to jump right into buying individual stocks.)
In particular, index funds or ETFs like the S%26amp;P 500 index funds will give you an excellent place to start while not spending much on fees or commissions, and not investing all your money into something stupid like penny stocks or a highflying 200 P/E stock.
Since your money is already in Scottrade, try SPY or VTI (both ETFs). That's an excellent place for anyone to start.
Reply:umm. depends?
What's the minimum amount of money you'd start with before buying stock?
Because there are so many good stocks trading at under $10 a share and Scottrade only charges $7 a trade, you could spend a few hundred and make a good investment. Decades ago at least $1000 was the typical answer. There are several closed-end funds that pay nice dividends and are going for less than $5 (like USA and ZTR). Also the Canadian Oil Trusts like HTE are under $10. But if McCain doesn't win the election, we all will be headed for a depression (because of Obama's higher taxes), and even these cheap stocks could go even lower. If McCain wins, look for a major stock rally on the 5th of Nov.
Reply:No matter how much money you have, I'd suggest that beginners start with mutual funds or ETFs instead of individual stocks (with the possible exception of REITs).
Two of the main problems that beginners have are insufficient funds to diversify properly, and insufficient knowledge. Starting with funds or ETFs gives you instant diversification with very low overhead. At a starting figure of, say, $1000, buying a single ETF will have a very low commission, as compared to buying 10 different stocks. ($1K is definitely too small if you're going to jump right into buying individual stocks.)
In particular, index funds or ETFs like the S%26amp;P 500 index funds will give you an excellent place to start while not spending much on fees or commissions, and not investing all your money into something stupid like penny stocks or a highflying 200 P/E stock.
Since your money is already in Scottrade, try SPY or VTI (both ETFs). That's an excellent place for anyone to start.
Reply:umm. depends?
I just incorporated in Nov 2007 but earned no money. Do I need to file a business tax form or just personal?
I incorporated as an S Corporation. I just filled out a business tax form on turbo tax online but all I have are deductions from getting the business started. I don't want to make a mistake and I'm confused. Do I even need to file anything as I didn't earn any money? I worked and earned money as an employee at a local company so I am filing a personal return.
I just incorporated in Nov 2007 but earned no money. Do I need to file a business tax form or just personal?
Some costs of starting a business are IRC sec. 197 expenses and must be amortized over 60 months as start up costs (vs. currently deductible) but you need to make the election on your return. You need to file a 1120-S whether you make money or not and the net flows to your 1040. I would recommend that you need to file your 1040 whether you owe any money or not because you start the 3 year audit clock running. If you don't file, the clock doesn't start.
I just incorporated in Nov 2007 but earned no money. Do I need to file a business tax form or just personal?
Some costs of starting a business are IRC sec. 197 expenses and must be amortized over 60 months as start up costs (vs. currently deductible) but you need to make the election on your return. You need to file a 1120-S whether you make money or not and the net flows to your 1040. I would recommend that you need to file your 1040 whether you owe any money or not because you start the 3 year audit clock running. If you don't file, the clock doesn't start.
How can I go about collecting money that im owed for babysitting?
I was babysitting 3 kids. We had them mon-fri and 2 weekends. She has only paid 390 and owes us 311.00 . We have tried to call her but she never answers and she doesn't have answering machine. We have sent her a couple e-mails. We have a written contract that she would pay and invoices showing how much she has paid and how much she still owes. Is there anyway we can get this money even if we have to take this into a legal matter?
How can I go about collecting money that im owed for babysitting?
She obviously is not paying you.
Sue her in small claims court and move on.
Reply:File a police report, then go see the prosecutor. They may allow you to file a theft of services report, or they may refer you to small claims. Hopefully you can get this resolved in mediation, where you won't need an attorney.
Reply:Baby sittting is very difficult as cash is normally involved.I would say drop her and learn from your experience.In future get the money up front.If you sue her it will probably cost you more.
Reply:Send her a certified letter stating what she owes and asking for it. She may see that you are not messing around...try that route first.
How can I go about collecting money that im owed for babysitting?
She obviously is not paying you.
Sue her in small claims court and move on.
Reply:File a police report, then go see the prosecutor. They may allow you to file a theft of services report, or they may refer you to small claims. Hopefully you can get this resolved in mediation, where you won't need an attorney.
Reply:Baby sittting is very difficult as cash is normally involved.I would say drop her and learn from your experience.In future get the money up front.If you sue her it will probably cost you more.
Reply:Send her a certified letter stating what she owes and asking for it. She may see that you are not messing around...try that route first.
What is the most amount of money called? And how much would it be worth?
I was just wondering what the name of the largest sum of money would be called.
e g Millions, trillions etc. And how much interest the biggest sum would possibly make in a day in ones bank a/c.
What is the most amount of money called? And how much would it be worth?
£S**T loads!
Reply:Lotsa dosh. Many beads. You get the award for dumb - *** question of the year hands down.
Reply:Infinite fortune..... priceless
Reply:Zillion and such words are fictitious.Put zillion into search.
Reply:These are some big numbers
Reply:As the Cosmic dude said, " an infinite fortune" but plus £1. Also I guess that is what it would be worth as well.
Reply:numbers go on forever, so there is no biggest number. But to try and answer your question. If you had 1 quadrillion dollars, (number after trillion), you could probably negotiate an interest rate with your bank of at least 7%, I've heard of some people getting 8%, and with a lot less money.
Without withdrawing any money, at the end of one year you would have $7.25 trillion.
fruit gift baskets
e g Millions, trillions etc. And how much interest the biggest sum would possibly make in a day in ones bank a/c.
What is the most amount of money called? And how much would it be worth?
£S**T loads!
Reply:Lotsa dosh. Many beads. You get the award for dumb - *** question of the year hands down.
Reply:Infinite fortune..... priceless
Reply:Zillion and such words are fictitious.Put zillion into search.
Reply:These are some big numbers
Reply:As the Cosmic dude said, " an infinite fortune" but plus £1. Also I guess that is what it would be worth as well.
Reply:numbers go on forever, so there is no biggest number. But to try and answer your question. If you had 1 quadrillion dollars, (number after trillion), you could probably negotiate an interest rate with your bank of at least 7%, I've heard of some people getting 8%, and with a lot less money.
Without withdrawing any money, at the end of one year you would have $7.25 trillion.
fruit gift baskets
How can Obama possibly get enough money to deliver on his promises for health care and other social programs?
In today's NY Times, Gov Peterson of New York says the state will have to cut health care and education because of a $12.5 billion deficit. Other states are also facing worsening fiscal conditions. The states are just mirroring the federal problems - there is no money to pay for old programs, let alone start new ones in the worst recession in 70 years.
How can Obama possibly get enough money to deliver on his promises for health care and other social programs?
The first, and largest source of income, will be in ending the Bush tax cut on the income tax and inheritance tax. Over a 10 year period, the Bush tax cuts alone cost the US government $1,903,100,000. If Obama ends the tax cuts immediately upon swearing in, he saves the US government $207.3 Billion next year alone. The wealthiest 1% of Americans save $715.1 Billion dollars from 2001-2010 with the Bush tax cuts, and over $130Billion/ year after that if they are allowed to continue. By simply ending these tax cuts we can afford most of Obama's plans. His tax cuts to the bottom 95% of American households are not this expensive, and give taxes to everyone who is most likely to spend the money in the economy, causing economic growth that ultimately stimulates the economy and increases the income of the remaining 5%. Obama's health insurance plan was cheaper than McCain's in the short term, and covers many more people. It wasn't until 5 years pass that the cost of Obama's plan outpaces the cost of McCain's plan, at which point the economy is unlikely to be recession (or worse).
As far as pulling troops out of Iraq, that will not stop all funding for the Iraq war, and large numbers of those troops will be redeployed to Afghanistan, although many others will come home. The amount of money this will save the government will undoubtedly number in the billions of dollars per year, but anyone who says it will save us 10-12 billion per month is foolish.
Reply:he is going through the budget line by line and as we all know the war is the first money hogger, next the government buys things or pays for things with out price comparing, and for me medicare which is a government entity spends loads of money needless, for instance my grandmother who is 94 had her leg amputated in 1994, she qualified for a hospital bed, a lift and a bed side commode, medicare has paid in total $12000, for the bed $6000, for the lift and $3000, for the potty chair,$21,000 and they are still billing, if medicare had of bought thes things instead of renting them the bed 1200 dollars, the lift maybe 1000 and the potty chair maybe 200 dollars look at the saving that we could use for health care and this is only for one person, so changing the way we do things can help keep others insured. that is spreading the wealth around, money the government throws away.on health care equipment..
Reply:he has already stated that his new programs will be funded by the next president. he stated the next president will have to raise taxes due to the programs he is going to initiate. so that is where the money will come from. i think he wiil use the redistribution money. we won't get a direct check it will be a check in the form of socialistic programs. take more from the rich eliminate jobs and create more government.
Reply:its part of Obama trillion dollar plan, in his first year in office he will withdraw a trillion dollars to start his socialist plans and then well have health care for everyone and the obama youth brigades and something called change also were going to help third world countries like cuba and Venezuela because there socialist countries need it and we gotta spread the wealth
don't worry he will make sure our taxes go up so we can all share in helping ourselves to free health care.
Reply:Sorry, Kevin A, but that money will just shift to Afghanistan.
Thanks for trying.
As for Obama's promises?
Well, remember Jimmy Carter? BOHICA, friends...bend over, here it comes again.
First it was those making $250k. Then it was $200k. Then it was $150k.
Guess what?
The new Obama Biden definition of 'rich' is going to be everyone with a job.
Let's all meet here next year on April 16th and compare our tax breaks. LMAO.
Reply:He can't ... and he knows it. He talks about ending other programs in order to finance his wild schemes.. but the thing is.. most of these so called programs do not have a wealth of money either. The country is near bankruptcy and he promised so much to so many.. and he has nothing to back it up.
He is going to be a very big disappointment because I think the sheep truly believed him. There are millions of black people for instance, who are counting on him to just magically make their lives better.. jobs galore.. equal this that and the next thing...he sounded like he had all the answers... but guess what folks.. he doesn't and he isn't going to.... he fooled all of you.!
Reply:He can't, period. It was 95% lies and that is what people voted for. Maybe after some time passes people will see him for what he is, another politician. I have said all along to watch the ban on offshore drilling that was allowed to expire change when he takes office. He has already started check-listing where drilling should be banned. Too late, nobody wanted to wake up and do a reality check, now we have what we have, lets hope for the best!
Reply:Well...this of course will not happen right away. But he will be cutting a lot of thos programs that do not work and are wasting money and then applying it to those that do work or that he plans on creating like for healthcare and education. It will all be tough...but we will get through this recession!
Reply:First off I do believe the people voted for the messenger, not the message.
Take a look at what the so called poor people have.
I don't see what the man has done as a community organizer in Chicago has done. The murder rate there has skyrocketed, the school system is a shambles, and the city has the highest taxes in the Nation.
I will support him because he is our President, but I will not agree EVER what he has said and done so far.
Reply: The same way Clinton gave us health care. The money from the war in Iraq will go to the war in Afghanistan. And the next war, possibly Iran.
Reply:Please address your question to GWB he is still the president.
President elect Obama will take office on January 20th, 2009 let's wait until then.
Reply:Simple, raise taxes.
Everyone in the Democratic party understands the economy thrives with increasing tax rates. Just ask Jimmy Carter.
Reply:well saving $10 billion a month from the Iraq occupation will be a huge start.
Reply:Use all the money saved by ending the Iraq war.
Reply:stop tax braks for big oil.
Reply:Print it.
Reply:Make the rich actually pay taxes on the untaxed portion of their income
Save billions every month in eliminating the useless war in Iraq
Eliminate programs in government that do not work
Help create jobs which will increase tax revenue
And those are just some of the major ones.
How can Obama possibly get enough money to deliver on his promises for health care and other social programs?
The first, and largest source of income, will be in ending the Bush tax cut on the income tax and inheritance tax. Over a 10 year period, the Bush tax cuts alone cost the US government $1,903,100,000. If Obama ends the tax cuts immediately upon swearing in, he saves the US government $207.3 Billion next year alone. The wealthiest 1% of Americans save $715.1 Billion dollars from 2001-2010 with the Bush tax cuts, and over $130Billion/ year after that if they are allowed to continue. By simply ending these tax cuts we can afford most of Obama's plans. His tax cuts to the bottom 95% of American households are not this expensive, and give taxes to everyone who is most likely to spend the money in the economy, causing economic growth that ultimately stimulates the economy and increases the income of the remaining 5%. Obama's health insurance plan was cheaper than McCain's in the short term, and covers many more people. It wasn't until 5 years pass that the cost of Obama's plan outpaces the cost of McCain's plan, at which point the economy is unlikely to be recession (or worse).
As far as pulling troops out of Iraq, that will not stop all funding for the Iraq war, and large numbers of those troops will be redeployed to Afghanistan, although many others will come home. The amount of money this will save the government will undoubtedly number in the billions of dollars per year, but anyone who says it will save us 10-12 billion per month is foolish.
Reply:he is going through the budget line by line and as we all know the war is the first money hogger, next the government buys things or pays for things with out price comparing, and for me medicare which is a government entity spends loads of money needless, for instance my grandmother who is 94 had her leg amputated in 1994, she qualified for a hospital bed, a lift and a bed side commode, medicare has paid in total $12000, for the bed $6000, for the lift and $3000, for the potty chair,$21,000 and they are still billing, if medicare had of bought thes things instead of renting them the bed 1200 dollars, the lift maybe 1000 and the potty chair maybe 200 dollars look at the saving that we could use for health care and this is only for one person, so changing the way we do things can help keep others insured. that is spreading the wealth around, money the government throws away.on health care equipment..
Reply:he has already stated that his new programs will be funded by the next president. he stated the next president will have to raise taxes due to the programs he is going to initiate. so that is where the money will come from. i think he wiil use the redistribution money. we won't get a direct check it will be a check in the form of socialistic programs. take more from the rich eliminate jobs and create more government.
Reply:its part of Obama trillion dollar plan, in his first year in office he will withdraw a trillion dollars to start his socialist plans and then well have health care for everyone and the obama youth brigades and something called change also were going to help third world countries like cuba and Venezuela because there socialist countries need it and we gotta spread the wealth
don't worry he will make sure our taxes go up so we can all share in helping ourselves to free health care.
Reply:Sorry, Kevin A, but that money will just shift to Afghanistan.
Thanks for trying.
As for Obama's promises?
Well, remember Jimmy Carter? BOHICA, friends...bend over, here it comes again.
First it was those making $250k. Then it was $200k. Then it was $150k.
Guess what?
The new Obama Biden definition of 'rich' is going to be everyone with a job.
Let's all meet here next year on April 16th and compare our tax breaks. LMAO.
Reply:He can't ... and he knows it. He talks about ending other programs in order to finance his wild schemes.. but the thing is.. most of these so called programs do not have a wealth of money either. The country is near bankruptcy and he promised so much to so many.. and he has nothing to back it up.
He is going to be a very big disappointment because I think the sheep truly believed him. There are millions of black people for instance, who are counting on him to just magically make their lives better.. jobs galore.. equal this that and the next thing...he sounded like he had all the answers... but guess what folks.. he doesn't and he isn't going to.... he fooled all of you.!
Reply:He can't, period. It was 95% lies and that is what people voted for. Maybe after some time passes people will see him for what he is, another politician. I have said all along to watch the ban on offshore drilling that was allowed to expire change when he takes office. He has already started check-listing where drilling should be banned. Too late, nobody wanted to wake up and do a reality check, now we have what we have, lets hope for the best!
Reply:Well...this of course will not happen right away. But he will be cutting a lot of thos programs that do not work and are wasting money and then applying it to those that do work or that he plans on creating like for healthcare and education. It will all be tough...but we will get through this recession!
Reply:First off I do believe the people voted for the messenger, not the message.
Take a look at what the so called poor people have.
I don't see what the man has done as a community organizer in Chicago has done. The murder rate there has skyrocketed, the school system is a shambles, and the city has the highest taxes in the Nation.
I will support him because he is our President, but I will not agree EVER what he has said and done so far.
Reply: The same way Clinton gave us health care. The money from the war in Iraq will go to the war in Afghanistan. And the next war, possibly Iran.
Reply:Please address your question to GWB he is still the president.
President elect Obama will take office on January 20th, 2009 let's wait until then.
Reply:Simple, raise taxes.
Everyone in the Democratic party understands the economy thrives with increasing tax rates. Just ask Jimmy Carter.
Reply:well saving $10 billion a month from the Iraq occupation will be a huge start.
Reply:Use all the money saved by ending the Iraq war.
Reply:stop tax braks for big oil.
Reply:Print it.
Reply:Make the rich actually pay taxes on the untaxed portion of their income
Save billions every month in eliminating the useless war in Iraq
Eliminate programs in government that do not work
Help create jobs which will increase tax revenue
And those are just some of the major ones.
How much money can a bartender make on a Friday and Saturday Night ?
How much money can a bartender make on a Friday and Saturday night working at a bar or nightclub ? Give from low to high ?
How much money can a bartender make on a Friday and Saturday Night ?
A buddy from the marines went into bartending after he served. He was making $200-$400 (depending on the night) in Arizona.
Reply:Depending on area, $20 to $1,000+. Also personality and looks are major factors!!
Reply:Tips will definitely vary. Depends on the area as well. If the place is popular, I am sure tips would be great! Your personality is very important. Smiling helps too. You don't have to be knock-out gorgeous, but a smile always helps. Flirt a little too. I am a bartender, and I have never made less than a hundred dollars a night.
Reply:it certainly depends on your location. po-dunk, no name town... i'd say $50, big time city, on a hot night...i'd go with hundred's, maybe even chicago, new york, or LA.
How much money can a bartender make on a Friday and Saturday Night ?
A buddy from the marines went into bartending after he served. He was making $200-$400 (depending on the night) in Arizona.
Reply:Depending on area, $20 to $1,000+. Also personality and looks are major factors!!
Reply:Tips will definitely vary. Depends on the area as well. If the place is popular, I am sure tips would be great! Your personality is very important. Smiling helps too. You don't have to be knock-out gorgeous, but a smile always helps. Flirt a little too. I am a bartender, and I have never made less than a hundred dollars a night.
Reply:it certainly depends on your location. po-dunk, no name town... i'd say $50, big time city, on a hot night...i'd go with hundred's, maybe even chicago, new york, or LA.
How much money should it cost to replace and repair a radiator for a '92 Honda Civic?
I guess that I need to have the radiator replaced on my '92 Honda Civic, which otherwise works just fine. I'm not sure, though, that I trust the mechanic that I've recently worked with (I somehow get the feeling that he may be taking me to the cleaners). I know NOTHING about cars or auto repair, so any info/tips on how to save money (or how to find a trustworthy mechanic) would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
How much money should it cost to replace and repair a radiator for a '92 Honda Civic?
About $100 for the radiator and $200 for the labor.
14 years is pretty old for a radiator, so it's a good bet it needs replacing.
Reply:Take it to another mechanic. Listen to your intuition. Have your dad or boyfriend or someone check your radiator fluid and take a look at the radiator.
Reply:Probably around$350.00
How much money should it cost to replace and repair a radiator for a '92 Honda Civic?
About $100 for the radiator and $200 for the labor.
14 years is pretty old for a radiator, so it's a good bet it needs replacing.
Reply:Take it to another mechanic. Listen to your intuition. Have your dad or boyfriend or someone check your radiator fluid and take a look at the radiator.
Reply:Probably around$350.00
How much money do you need to start a life in las vegas ?
Im want to move from los angeles to las vegas . I need to rent a 1 bedroom apartment, furnish it completely, turn on utilities cable, and telephone right away, register my car with the dmv,
and lastly find a job as soon as possible making at least $15 per hour in sales, customer service or collections. How much money should i have saved until I get on my feet and running...
How much money do you need to start a life in las vegas ?
Reply:Rents are not cheap here due to the housing market so you will need first, last, and security, and that can total $3K. One bedroom apartments are a minimum of 900 in areas where you would want to live.
For utilities, cable, telephone you will gain need at least $50 deposit or more.
DMV is very expensive depending on the age of your car and you must have proof of insurance. You have 30 days from when you move to NV to change your license and tags. Example would be $35 for license, $400 for 2005 car, and insurance well depends on whether you go for liability only or more. Insurance is not cheap.
As for the job, you need to have one before you come if you can because too many come, find no job, and end up living on the street. I cannot advise you but suggest you try That will also give you links to apartments and more.
The cost of living is similar to LA and unfortunately so is now the crime rate and traffic due to all the CA people here.
Reply:you just need one quarter to put in the slots and then you use the force to stop it on the jack pot. technically its not cheating, but the casinos kicked me out anyway... greedy jewish bastards
Reply:a lot.(if ya love do do some sweet sweet SWEET gambling.)
Reply:if you have a nice body you could probably go there with nothing.
Reply:I say $2000
Reply:I moved to Las Vegas the summer of 2007. So I don't really recommend moving in the summer because it gets really hot. Anyways I moved there with only $3,000 which was kind of low, but I lived on a budget. First of all Vegas has jobs but you need to find one and it take time. Try to apply and look for a job before you move. I don't know if you have a degree or anything, but $15/hr might be hard, but possible if you have experiences. A lot of jobs I see out here are kind of lower then that. Apartments are in a wide range of prices. I lived in a 1 bedroom and 1.5 bath apartments for $525/month free water/garbage. But I live 15min away from the strip and it wasn't a good apartment it was called the Mark Twain Apartments. People said it wasn't a good area, but I live there and nothing happened if you cheap you might want to take a look. I can recommend however the Hampton Apartment on Vegas Valley it nice and clean it is $650/month for a 1 bedroom/1 bath. I think it nice and clean and has fireplace and balcony and other stuff. The only utilities you pay are electric.
To furnish it cost me about $300 because I waited after I got a job to buy stuff. I bought only the things I needed not wanted. So a box was my table. I got a bed for $150 and only bough the basic. Try buying off craiglist and goodwill.
Cable is from Cox cable so you can just go to there website.
Electric is from Nevada Power. In the summer expect you’re electric to be 100 or so depend how much AC you used I barely turn on AC on in the summer and my bill was $85. During the fall it was around 55-70.
The DMV at Vegas suck there only like 4 of them. The line is very long get there a half hour before it open. I got my plates for $450 and my license for 50 I think.
I would play it safe and save more then $3,000. I started getting interview when I moved there but a lot of the company does like 3 step interview before hiring took a month to get a job and I was lucky. I also do HR and can tell you since I been hire I interview a lot of people and can say it does take time. A lot of recent college graduate come in all the time and they tell me they been looking for about 3 month on average.
Anyways good luck
and lastly find a job as soon as possible making at least $15 per hour in sales, customer service or collections. How much money should i have saved until I get on my feet and running...
How much money do you need to start a life in las vegas ?
Reply:Rents are not cheap here due to the housing market so you will need first, last, and security, and that can total $3K. One bedroom apartments are a minimum of 900 in areas where you would want to live.
For utilities, cable, telephone you will gain need at least $50 deposit or more.
DMV is very expensive depending on the age of your car and you must have proof of insurance. You have 30 days from when you move to NV to change your license and tags. Example would be $35 for license, $400 for 2005 car, and insurance well depends on whether you go for liability only or more. Insurance is not cheap.
As for the job, you need to have one before you come if you can because too many come, find no job, and end up living on the street. I cannot advise you but suggest you try That will also give you links to apartments and more.
The cost of living is similar to LA and unfortunately so is now the crime rate and traffic due to all the CA people here.
Reply:you just need one quarter to put in the slots and then you use the force to stop it on the jack pot. technically its not cheating, but the casinos kicked me out anyway... greedy jewish bastards
Reply:a lot.(if ya love do do some sweet sweet SWEET gambling.)
Reply:if you have a nice body you could probably go there with nothing.
Reply:I say $2000
Reply:I moved to Las Vegas the summer of 2007. So I don't really recommend moving in the summer because it gets really hot. Anyways I moved there with only $3,000 which was kind of low, but I lived on a budget. First of all Vegas has jobs but you need to find one and it take time. Try to apply and look for a job before you move. I don't know if you have a degree or anything, but $15/hr might be hard, but possible if you have experiences. A lot of jobs I see out here are kind of lower then that. Apartments are in a wide range of prices. I lived in a 1 bedroom and 1.5 bath apartments for $525/month free water/garbage. But I live 15min away from the strip and it wasn't a good apartment it was called the Mark Twain Apartments. People said it wasn't a good area, but I live there and nothing happened if you cheap you might want to take a look. I can recommend however the Hampton Apartment on Vegas Valley it nice and clean it is $650/month for a 1 bedroom/1 bath. I think it nice and clean and has fireplace and balcony and other stuff. The only utilities you pay are electric.
To furnish it cost me about $300 because I waited after I got a job to buy stuff. I bought only the things I needed not wanted. So a box was my table. I got a bed for $150 and only bough the basic. Try buying off craiglist and goodwill.
Cable is from Cox cable so you can just go to there website.
Electric is from Nevada Power. In the summer expect you’re electric to be 100 or so depend how much AC you used I barely turn on AC on in the summer and my bill was $85. During the fall it was around 55-70.
The DMV at Vegas suck there only like 4 of them. The line is very long get there a half hour before it open. I got my plates for $450 and my license for 50 I think.
I would play it safe and save more then $3,000. I started getting interview when I moved there but a lot of the company does like 3 step interview before hiring took a month to get a job and I was lucky. I also do HR and can tell you since I been hire I interview a lot of people and can say it does take time. A lot of recent college graduate come in all the time and they tell me they been looking for about 3 month on average.
Anyways good luck
How do you get investors to put money into your ideas?
I've got a great idea, something I think would be a great money maker and it something that I would enjoy doing with my life and work hard at. The only problem is that I would need a huge amount of start up money. How does one go about getting someone or a company to invest money in their ideas? Does anyone know of some online resources I could peruse? Or better yet have a few million they want to invest?
How do you get investors to put money into your ideas?
Getting capital investors to sink money into an idea isn't hard, the rule is 1 out of every 10 investments will return profit. Your problem or challenge is getting them to hand over this cash...generally you need to do some R%26amp;D reachearch the market segment that your product will be attractive to and predict the demand for the product... at this point tit is only speculation as the whole point fo you looking for investors is that the product would not be viable without an influx of cash... now that you have that... how are you going to meet the predicted demand for your product... manufacturing will be a factor...shipping etc etc... then here is the big point... no investor will ever unless they are crazy invest into something that the investor has not invested in themselves... most people are willing to rish everythin to make a product work mortguage house and sink everything into the product...once they see you are passionate about the product the possibality that the product will be successful has increased....Good luck and i wish you well...
Reply:You are going to have a very hard time getting money, if all you have is an idea. It takes a lot more than an idea to start a successful business. You need to be motivated. An investor won't risk their money without seeing something real. They invest to help people get to the next level, not to get started. The best thing to do is figure how to pursue a smaller version of your idea first.
Reply:You need to write a business plan.
Reply:This question could take days to answer! You can raise capital many ways from getting a small business loan to inviting venture capitalists in. If I were you, I'd look into hoking up with the local chapter of SCORE. They are a bunch of retired executives that help out newbies with great ideas.
How do you get investors to put money into your ideas?
Getting capital investors to sink money into an idea isn't hard, the rule is 1 out of every 10 investments will return profit. Your problem or challenge is getting them to hand over this cash...generally you need to do some R%26amp;D reachearch the market segment that your product will be attractive to and predict the demand for the product... at this point tit is only speculation as the whole point fo you looking for investors is that the product would not be viable without an influx of cash... now that you have that... how are you going to meet the predicted demand for your product... manufacturing will be a factor...shipping etc etc... then here is the big point... no investor will ever unless they are crazy invest into something that the investor has not invested in themselves... most people are willing to rish everythin to make a product work mortguage house and sink everything into the product...once they see you are passionate about the product the possibality that the product will be successful has increased....Good luck and i wish you well...
Reply:You are going to have a very hard time getting money, if all you have is an idea. It takes a lot more than an idea to start a successful business. You need to be motivated. An investor won't risk their money without seeing something real. They invest to help people get to the next level, not to get started. The best thing to do is figure how to pursue a smaller version of your idea first.
Reply:You need to write a business plan.
Reply:This question could take days to answer! You can raise capital many ways from getting a small business loan to inviting venture capitalists in. If I were you, I'd look into hoking up with the local chapter of SCORE. They are a bunch of retired executives that help out newbies with great ideas.
How much money does an average lawyer make a year?
How much money does a lawyer make in a month, day, and year ? .... Can you afford that mansion you always wanted ?
How much money does an average lawyer make a year?
Do a search on for lawyer. That will give you a good idea. And this web site is great for checking the salaries for all types of jobs, not just lawyers. Best of is free (no sign-up required either).
Reply:Go to the Occupational Outlook Handbook online. It can be found at....
It is really awesome. It tells you all about the nature of the work, how much you can expect to earn, type of education required, etc. It is a very good resource. I've used it many times when researching career options.
Reply:Its like any profession that works with a client base - if you work your a-- off you can make tons of money. But how will you enjoy the mansion you've always wanted if you work 18 hours a day/ 7 days a week. I'm speaking from experience - don't go into a profession just because it pays well. If you think you'll like it AND it pays well - great. But go for something that you'll enjoy and be happy with the house you can afford.
How much money does an average lawyer make a year?
Do a search on for lawyer. That will give you a good idea. And this web site is great for checking the salaries for all types of jobs, not just lawyers. Best of is free (no sign-up required either).
Reply:Go to the Occupational Outlook Handbook online. It can be found at....
It is really awesome. It tells you all about the nature of the work, how much you can expect to earn, type of education required, etc. It is a very good resource. I've used it many times when researching career options.
Reply:Its like any profession that works with a client base - if you work your a-- off you can make tons of money. But how will you enjoy the mansion you've always wanted if you work 18 hours a day/ 7 days a week. I'm speaking from experience - don't go into a profession just because it pays well. If you think you'll like it AND it pays well - great. But go for something that you'll enjoy and be happy with the house you can afford.
How much money is required to get a PPL? If i wanted to work on to get an ATP how much would that cost?
how much money does it cost all together to get a private pilots license? what about an airline transport pilot license?
How much money is required to get a PPL? If i wanted to work on to get an ATP how much would that cost?
will give you the specs that my flight school has. I fly out of an airport east at Atlanta, Ga. Also this just for a private private license. We offer Da-20's
40 Hours of flight time in a Da-20..............$3960.00
20 Hours of dual flight instruction................ $900.00
15 Hours of Individual Ground Instruction....$675.00
Private Pilot Kit(sold on the side by ASA)..$267.90
FAA Written Test is $90.00
FAA Flight Test is $300.00
Total is $6192.90
Keep in mind that this is only flight time and instruction. This isn't doesn't include your flight supplies. To check the supplies out go the Also this is only a DEAD MINIMUM!!! It takes most people around 50 to 70hrs. so it could be between $6500 to I've seen $9000. Also (I know another one) you have to get medicals. They are good for a few years, but each can time costs you upwards of $100. I think you should look for a FAR/AIM. It will explain all requirements. I think that it if you have any questions just shoot me an e-mail
Reply:Have a look at loads of diffrent schools have a look acrost the whole of the USA and see some places in the middle of no where are cheeper then places in citys.
Reply:Right now, a PPL is running around $6000-7000 for instruction, ground school, written test, and checkride. Getting an ATP costs quite a bit more and takes time to build up the rating. You would attend a flight school and obtain your multi-engine commercial instrument rating. You would then be eligible to obtain an ATP after completing the required number of hours of experience.
Commercial flight school is pricey; plan on about $50,000 on up. You can get student loans to cover the tuition. Just choose wisely; a commercial helicopter school recently went out of business leaving their students holding the bag. Never agree to pay all the tuition up front. That's what happened to those students and now they are stuck with student loans up to $70K and nothing to show for it.
How much money is required to get a PPL? If i wanted to work on to get an ATP how much would that cost?
will give you the specs that my flight school has. I fly out of an airport east at Atlanta, Ga. Also this just for a private private license. We offer Da-20's
40 Hours of flight time in a Da-20..............$3960.00
20 Hours of dual flight instruction................ $900.00
15 Hours of Individual Ground Instruction....$675.00
Private Pilot Kit(sold on the side by ASA)..$267.90
FAA Written Test is $90.00
FAA Flight Test is $300.00
Total is $6192.90
Keep in mind that this is only flight time and instruction. This isn't doesn't include your flight supplies. To check the supplies out go the Also this is only a DEAD MINIMUM!!! It takes most people around 50 to 70hrs. so it could be between $6500 to I've seen $9000. Also (I know another one) you have to get medicals. They are good for a few years, but each can time costs you upwards of $100. I think you should look for a FAR/AIM. It will explain all requirements. I think that it if you have any questions just shoot me an e-mail
Reply:Have a look at loads of diffrent schools have a look acrost the whole of the USA and see some places in the middle of no where are cheeper then places in citys.
Reply:Right now, a PPL is running around $6000-7000 for instruction, ground school, written test, and checkride. Getting an ATP costs quite a bit more and takes time to build up the rating. You would attend a flight school and obtain your multi-engine commercial instrument rating. You would then be eligible to obtain an ATP after completing the required number of hours of experience.
Commercial flight school is pricey; plan on about $50,000 on up. You can get student loans to cover the tuition. Just choose wisely; a commercial helicopter school recently went out of business leaving their students holding the bag. Never agree to pay all the tuition up front. That's what happened to those students and now they are stuck with student loans up to $70K and nothing to show for it.
How Much Money Does The Govenment Recive Each Year From Taxes?
About how much does our government receive yearly from our taxes (All taxes, Income,sales, etc...)?
Can also be asked as...
How much money does our government spend each year that comes directly from taxes?
Sources if you can.
Thank you in advance.
How Much Money Does The Govenment Recive Each Year From Taxes?
For Fiscal year 2007 (ended Sep 30, 2007)
$2,407 billion.
By all means somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I calculate that to be a string of $1 bills 233,320 miles long. It would reach the moon. Insane isn't ?
See the link for the breakdown and where it goes.
Reply:How much money does our government spend each year that comes directly from taxes? Our taxes is their income! And they spend, spend, spend. That's why you hear certain politicians say, we need to raise taxes - yeah, so they can spend more! All that does is slow the economy, because no one has any money. Don't get me started!
azalea tree
Can also be asked as...
How much money does our government spend each year that comes directly from taxes?
Sources if you can.
Thank you in advance.
How Much Money Does The Govenment Recive Each Year From Taxes?
For Fiscal year 2007 (ended Sep 30, 2007)
$2,407 billion.
By all means somebody correct me if I'm wrong but I calculate that to be a string of $1 bills 233,320 miles long. It would reach the moon. Insane isn't ?
See the link for the breakdown and where it goes.
Reply:How much money does our government spend each year that comes directly from taxes? Our taxes is their income! And they spend, spend, spend. That's why you hear certain politicians say, we need to raise taxes - yeah, so they can spend more! All that does is slow the economy, because no one has any money. Don't get me started!
azalea tree
Where can I find grant money for rebuilding a 40 year old house?
looking for money to rebuild a house that was left to me and it is 40 years old and sitting on 13 acres. the windows need done, the flooring need to be done and the bathroom. So I'm looking for grant money that would help me out.
Where can I find grant money for rebuilding a 40 year old house?
Good luck with that. Unless you are low income or a person with a disability, you will have little chance of finding grants for that. However, if you do meet that criteria, check with your county government--they may have HUD HOME funds that may be used for housing rehabilitation. If you arein an urban county, it may also have CDBG funds which can be used for rehab of homes. Keep in mind though that grant funds for housing rehab are usually designated for specific low income, usually high population density target areas; even if your county has those funds, their funding award may exclude where your home is located. HUD Section 8 funds are for rental or homeownership, but cannot be used for rehab, the house has to meet the Section 8 housing quality standards first.
Don't get your hopes up, very little chance you will find anything in the way of an actual grant. If you own the home and the land, you certainly might qualify for a loan to repair the home.
Reply:Unless you are living in a downtown area being refurbished (and I doubt you are since you have 13 acres), you will not be successful.
I suggest instead that you log some of those acres to pay for the repairs.
Where can I find grant money for rebuilding a 40 year old house?
Good luck with that. Unless you are low income or a person with a disability, you will have little chance of finding grants for that. However, if you do meet that criteria, check with your county government--they may have HUD HOME funds that may be used for housing rehabilitation. If you arein an urban county, it may also have CDBG funds which can be used for rehab of homes. Keep in mind though that grant funds for housing rehab are usually designated for specific low income, usually high population density target areas; even if your county has those funds, their funding award may exclude where your home is located. HUD Section 8 funds are for rental or homeownership, but cannot be used for rehab, the house has to meet the Section 8 housing quality standards first.
Don't get your hopes up, very little chance you will find anything in the way of an actual grant. If you own the home and the land, you certainly might qualify for a loan to repair the home.
Reply:Unless you are living in a downtown area being refurbished (and I doubt you are since you have 13 acres), you will not be successful.
I suggest instead that you log some of those acres to pay for the repairs.
How much money does it take to start a fancy restaurant?
I am interested in taking an exhisting restaurant that is not doing so go but is in a great location to make it a 4 star restaurant. How much money generally would it take?
How much money does it take to start a fancy restaurant?
If all the equipment is there, you would have to buy it from the owner, do renovations and interior design... and probably exterior design, too. If you're good with your money and creative, perhaps $25,000 - $50,000 on top of what you bought the established business for. Then, you still need an advertising/promotional budget, employee expenses covered for the first 6 months of business, etc, before you should even consider it. If you don't have that put to the side, do not even start it as you may be doomed to fail and lose everything you have in it.
Reply:Go to and download the Excel template for estimating start up costs.
Reply:Can be as much as $250,000, depending on the syle you want and the renovations you require.
For a fancy restaurant, I would say a minimum of $50,000.
Be aware that restaurants have an extremely high mortality rate. It's one of the easiest businesses around where you can lose your shirt in a hurry .
How much money does it take to start a fancy restaurant?
If all the equipment is there, you would have to buy it from the owner, do renovations and interior design... and probably exterior design, too. If you're good with your money and creative, perhaps $25,000 - $50,000 on top of what you bought the established business for. Then, you still need an advertising/promotional budget, employee expenses covered for the first 6 months of business, etc, before you should even consider it. If you don't have that put to the side, do not even start it as you may be doomed to fail and lose everything you have in it.
Reply:Go to and download the Excel template for estimating start up costs.
Reply:Can be as much as $250,000, depending on the syle you want and the renovations you require.
For a fancy restaurant, I would say a minimum of $50,000.
Be aware that restaurants have an extremely high mortality rate. It's one of the easiest businesses around where you can lose your shirt in a hurry .
How much money will I get back on my taxes?
I have a YTD income of $42,779.20. My Federal Income Tax Withheld is $5,722.26 and my State Income Tax is $1,489.17.
I live at home with dad and I help him pay for the house.
I have no dependants and I usually claim myself. But this year, I want to claim my 12-year-old brother, is this possible? If so, how much money will I get back if I claim him? And how much if I don't?
How much money will I get back on my taxes?
Go to the Tax Calculator at TurboTax, enter your data and get a good estimate of your taxes.
Reply:Are you supporting your 12 year old brother, or is your dad supporting him? If your dad wants to claim him, then you can't.
If you only claim yourself, you'll get back around $800. If you can also claim your brother, you would get back quite a bit more.
Reply:you can only claim that kid if your parents will let you, and I doubt they will.
I live at home with dad and I help him pay for the house.
I have no dependants and I usually claim myself. But this year, I want to claim my 12-year-old brother, is this possible? If so, how much money will I get back if I claim him? And how much if I don't?
How much money will I get back on my taxes?
Go to the Tax Calculator at TurboTax, enter your data and get a good estimate of your taxes.
Reply:Are you supporting your 12 year old brother, or is your dad supporting him? If your dad wants to claim him, then you can't.
If you only claim yourself, you'll get back around $800. If you can also claim your brother, you would get back quite a bit more.
Reply:you can only claim that kid if your parents will let you, and I doubt they will.
How much money will I spend a day in Barcelona?
I am traveling with my best friend to Barcelona for 5 days, and do not know how much money it costs there. We are from NY - should we exchange $ when we get there or take 4 out of the cash machine - what works out better? Is food very expensive?
How much money will I spend a day in Barcelona?
I' ve been to Barcelona a couple of times. You guys should get the money from the ATM over there cause I think it's gonna be cheaper! It kind of depends on where you wanna go, and what you wanna do! ... You can say that the prices (dollar and Euro) don't vary that much... everything is about the same ... the sights, the restaurants, shopping ... just the food in the supermarket is much cheaper!
When I go to Spain for a week I usually don't need more than 500 Euros (breakfast and dinner at the hotel)!
How much money will I spend a day in Barcelona?
I' ve been to Barcelona a couple of times. You guys should get the money from the ATM over there cause I think it's gonna be cheaper! It kind of depends on where you wanna go, and what you wanna do! ... You can say that the prices (dollar and Euro) don't vary that much... everything is about the same ... the sights, the restaurants, shopping ... just the food in the supermarket is much cheaper!
When I go to Spain for a week I usually don't need more than 500 Euros (breakfast and dinner at the hotel)!
How much money do you save on oil by keeping your thermostat at home at a lower temperature?
My parents insist on keeping our house about 65 degrees in the winter in order to save on oil, which in turn saves money. About how much more would it cost to heat the house say 5 more degrees?
How much money do you save on oil by keeping your thermostat at home at a lower temperature?
1 degree in my house costs $40-$60 a month
Reply:5 degrees sounds like you live in an older home so anywhere from 100-300 a month
How much money do you save on oil by keeping your thermostat at home at a lower temperature?
1 degree in my house costs $40-$60 a month
Reply:5 degrees sounds like you live in an older home so anywhere from 100-300 a month
How much money should i bring for a 7 day trip to Florida?
I'm taking a trip to Florida from North Carolina in june and i was wondering about how much money do i need to take? We have a place to stay already, and we are driving my car which is a 4 cylinder (hopefully it wont be too much for gas). Any advice?
How much money should i bring for a 7 day trip to Florida?
Depends on what you plan on doing. Are you coming here (I am in Orlando) to hang out at the beach or are you coming to see all the attractions and such? I would say if your coming to hang out at the beach and eat out a few times (if you have a place to stay with a full kitchen, plan on grocery shopping and cooking a few nights). I would have at least $500 and that's not much to do alot with consider the price of gas. If you have more money, shoot bring as much as you can afford and have a great time! Look for coupons online before you come. Or let me know what you'll be doing and I will look in my entertainment book (local coupon book), I don't ever use them all. Make sure to spilt the cost of gas and food with the ones you are coming with. Actually, you shouldn't be splitting it evenly, I don't think, since it's your car and your adding the mileage to your car but I guess it's the thing to do, split the gas. Gas down here right now is average of $3.56 a gallon. If you belong to Sam's Club, Costcos, BJ's, we have them all over down here and they have the least expensive gas usually.
Good Luck and let me know if I can look for coupons for you!
Be safe!
Reply:as much as you can. the more money you bring the more fun youll have. There is SO much to do!
Disney, universal, islands of adventure, all the water parks, busch gardens, some of the beaches cost money, state parks, if your going to the keys, they have tons of fun state parks, jet ski rentals.
for seven days you should probably bring about $1000 that should cover gas and evrything
Sources: I live in Florida☺
Reply:To enjoy you'll need one hundred dollars a day.
If you buy many sovenirs, much more
Reply:5000 dollars minium
Reply:well if you are going shopping there then you should bring probably about between 30 and50.
Reply:For one person $100-150 a day and add $50 for each add'l person. Good Luck!
Reply:1,000 just in case haha
Reply:$ 7,000
Reply:you should bring 2,000 dollars because you never know what your gone to get into or want to do
Reply:Take at least $500 dollars.
Reply:i dont know how much money you should bring but i know someone from north carolina...
i just thought that was pretty kool
Reply:i brought 50 dollars it was just what i needed i got every thing i wanted and it was not to much money to carry around
Reply:take at least 500
Reply:depends on what you want to do there i would take a couple thousand
How much money should i bring for a 7 day trip to Florida?
Depends on what you plan on doing. Are you coming here (I am in Orlando) to hang out at the beach or are you coming to see all the attractions and such? I would say if your coming to hang out at the beach and eat out a few times (if you have a place to stay with a full kitchen, plan on grocery shopping and cooking a few nights). I would have at least $500 and that's not much to do alot with consider the price of gas. If you have more money, shoot bring as much as you can afford and have a great time! Look for coupons online before you come. Or let me know what you'll be doing and I will look in my entertainment book (local coupon book), I don't ever use them all. Make sure to spilt the cost of gas and food with the ones you are coming with. Actually, you shouldn't be splitting it evenly, I don't think, since it's your car and your adding the mileage to your car but I guess it's the thing to do, split the gas. Gas down here right now is average of $3.56 a gallon. If you belong to Sam's Club, Costcos, BJ's, we have them all over down here and they have the least expensive gas usually.
Good Luck and let me know if I can look for coupons for you!
Be safe!
Reply:as much as you can. the more money you bring the more fun youll have. There is SO much to do!
Disney, universal, islands of adventure, all the water parks, busch gardens, some of the beaches cost money, state parks, if your going to the keys, they have tons of fun state parks, jet ski rentals.
for seven days you should probably bring about $1000 that should cover gas and evrything
Sources: I live in Florida☺
Reply:To enjoy you'll need one hundred dollars a day.
If you buy many sovenirs, much more
Reply:5000 dollars minium
Reply:well if you are going shopping there then you should bring probably about between 30 and50.
Reply:For one person $100-150 a day and add $50 for each add'l person. Good Luck!
Reply:1,000 just in case haha
Reply:$ 7,000
Reply:you should bring 2,000 dollars because you never know what your gone to get into or want to do
Reply:Take at least $500 dollars.
Reply:i dont know how much money you should bring but i know someone from north carolina...
i just thought that was pretty kool
Reply:i brought 50 dollars it was just what i needed i got every thing i wanted and it was not to much money to carry around
Reply:take at least 500
Reply:depends on what you want to do there i would take a couple thousand
How much money would it cost to start a national magazine?
I am very interested in starting my own business and have a great idea for a magazine. I am a graphic designer with some business skills. I'm just wondering how much money I would need to begin a nationally released magazine. Extra credit if you could give me an estimate of how many employees Id need!
How much money would it cost to start a national magazine?
I published a medical magazine in the south.Circulation was about 120000. It cost me almost $250000 just to get it up and running not counting the rental of time for printing. You'll need about 15-20 employees to start, incl sales,layout,design,edit,photo,color analyst,etc
If youre going to sell subscriptions youre looking at 6 mos+ before youre in the black-assuming your ad sales cover cost of publishing. LOTS OF 20 HOUR DAYS, 7 days a week
Reply:a couple millon
How much money would it cost to start a national magazine?
I published a medical magazine in the south.Circulation was about 120000. It cost me almost $250000 just to get it up and running not counting the rental of time for printing. You'll need about 15-20 employees to start, incl sales,layout,design,edit,photo,color analyst,etc
If youre going to sell subscriptions youre looking at 6 mos+ before youre in the black-assuming your ad sales cover cost of publishing. LOTS OF 20 HOUR DAYS, 7 days a week
Reply:a couple millon
How much money should I save for a vacation to Scotland?
I'm planning on going to Scotland for a week in July. How much money should I save up for a plane ticket, hotel room, transportation and food? I live in the United States, by the way.
How much money should I save for a vacation to Scotland?
Everything is high there. Airfare won't be less than $900 and more like $1700. depending on your departure city. Budget accommodations will start around 60 pounds a night. B and Bs might be a good choice. Best Westerns are decent hotels that are relatively well priced. Check out for train fares. You may want to get a pass. Most hotels will include breakfast. You can get by with maybe 10 pounds for lunch and 20 for dinner. Just remember that things will seem like they are evenly priced--like a beer being 3 to 5 pounds, only with the exchange rate you are paying $6-10.
How much money should I save for a vacation to Scotland?
Everything is high there. Airfare won't be less than $900 and more like $1700. depending on your departure city. Budget accommodations will start around 60 pounds a night. B and Bs might be a good choice. Best Westerns are decent hotels that are relatively well priced. Check out for train fares. You may want to get a pass. Most hotels will include breakfast. You can get by with maybe 10 pounds for lunch and 20 for dinner. Just remember that things will seem like they are evenly priced--like a beer being 3 to 5 pounds, only with the exchange rate you are paying $6-10.
How much money do parents spend on their kids every year?
I'm doing a report for school and am wondering, is there a website that has statistics about how much money parents spend annually on their kids on clothes, food, toys, etc.? I'm looking for a general site.
How much money do parents spend on their kids every year?
the averages usually run around 10,000 a year age has alot to do with cost though, so these sites may help.....
Reply:My parents are rich, so is my grandpa, they are entreupeuners, but I'm not a spoiled brat, and I don't brag about it, I get about the same as every other kid.
Reply:i know my mother spends alot of money. its three of us and we like expensive things
Reply:we parents spent a lot of money on our kids i n the thousands, and the younger they are the more you spent; especilaly , new-borns and toodles, and as they get older is a lot even more because they all want name brand clothes, and if you don't get it for them, they friends and others would make fun off them.i don't have a web-site to give you but i could make you an- endless list of all the money, my husband and i spent on our childrens and we have 2., so i can imagine people with more than two kids how much more money they spend per year.
Reply:Read it and weep!
Reply:i have no idea i dont really care all that much either lol
Reply:it depends on the kind of school if its for rich or poor or between them.but take it from me:its a looooot of money.
Reply:If you frugally and teach your kids the value of a buck, it will be just fine.
How much money do parents spend on their kids every year?
the averages usually run around 10,000 a year age has alot to do with cost though, so these sites may help.....
Reply:My parents are rich, so is my grandpa, they are entreupeuners, but I'm not a spoiled brat, and I don't brag about it, I get about the same as every other kid.
Reply:i know my mother spends alot of money. its three of us and we like expensive things
Reply:we parents spent a lot of money on our kids i n the thousands, and the younger they are the more you spent; especilaly , new-borns and toodles, and as they get older is a lot even more because they all want name brand clothes, and if you don't get it for them, they friends and others would make fun off them.i don't have a web-site to give you but i could make you an- endless list of all the money, my husband and i spent on our childrens and we have 2., so i can imagine people with more than two kids how much more money they spend per year.
Reply:Read it and weep!
Reply:i have no idea i dont really care all that much either lol
Reply:it depends on the kind of school if its for rich or poor or between them.but take it from me:its a looooot of money.
Reply:If you frugally and teach your kids the value of a buck, it will be just fine.
How much money does the average american make per year?
How much money does the average american make per year? And to be more specific how much does a hairdresser/waitor/nurse make as apposed to say a manager of a bank or small marketing firm?
How much money does the average american make per year?
It depends on the area - to get salaries of specific professions, you can use - it's free.
The average yearly American salary is $35,062 per year - or $16.86 per hour.
Reply:Roughly $35k-40k a year. And I would assume the manager is making way more unless one of those other 3 jobs works around the clock and makes a ton of overtime pay.
How much money does the average american make per year?
It depends on the area - to get salaries of specific professions, you can use - it's free.
The average yearly American salary is $35,062 per year - or $16.86 per hour.
Reply:Roughly $35k-40k a year. And I would assume the manager is making way more unless one of those other 3 jobs works around the clock and makes a ton of overtime pay.
How much money do you have to make to be eligible for food stamps?
In Georgia, for a single person, how much money do you have to make to be eligible for food stamps?
How much money do you have to make to be eligible for food stamps?
For the Georgia Food Stamps program
• you are a citizen of the United States or have a certain legal alien status
• you provide all of the required documents as proof of the household's situation
• resources such as checking accounts, savings accounts, and savings bonds are limited to a combined value of no more than $2,000.00. A household with at least one person who is disabled or age 60 or older has a resource limit of $3,000.00
• you and/or other household members comply with work requirements
• the household's gross monthly income does not exceed the income limits based on the number of people who live in the household
• the rent or mortgage payment, utility bills, and in some cases medical, child care and child support expenses are considered in the eligibility determination process if proof of these expenses are provided.
Georgia has a pre screening eligibility tool -- use it to see if you are qualified. This is the main page of the Georgia food stamps program
Reply:it's not that simple. They take income, minus a standard deduction, minus standard deduction for utilities and they take what's left and take a % of that and the computer spits out the amt if any you are eligible for.. Each state is different..
Reply:call your local town office and ask to speak with the general assistance worker. they will have the details. it's town specific so you won't find the answer on here. good luck.
Reply:very little and you have to go through an extensive application
How much money do you have to make to be eligible for food stamps?
For the Georgia Food Stamps program
• you are a citizen of the United States or have a certain legal alien status
• you provide all of the required documents as proof of the household's situation
• resources such as checking accounts, savings accounts, and savings bonds are limited to a combined value of no more than $2,000.00. A household with at least one person who is disabled or age 60 or older has a resource limit of $3,000.00
• you and/or other household members comply with work requirements
• the household's gross monthly income does not exceed the income limits based on the number of people who live in the household
• the rent or mortgage payment, utility bills, and in some cases medical, child care and child support expenses are considered in the eligibility determination process if proof of these expenses are provided.
Georgia has a pre screening eligibility tool -- use it to see if you are qualified. This is the main page of the Georgia food stamps program
Reply:it's not that simple. They take income, minus a standard deduction, minus standard deduction for utilities and they take what's left and take a % of that and the computer spits out the amt if any you are eligible for.. Each state is different..
Reply:call your local town office and ask to speak with the general assistance worker. they will have the details. it's town specific so you won't find the answer on here. good luck.
Reply:very little and you have to go through an extensive application
How much money do you have to make to be eligible for food stamps?
In Georgia, for a single person, how much money do you have to make to be eligible for food stamps?
How much money do you have to make to be eligible for food stamps?
For the Georgia Food Stamps program
• you are a citizen of the United States or have a certain legal alien status
• you provide all of the required documents as proof of the household's situation
• resources such as checking accounts, savings accounts, and savings bonds are limited to a combined value of no more than $2,000.00. A household with at least one person who is disabled or age 60 or older has a resource limit of $3,000.00
• you and/or other household members comply with work requirements
• the household's gross monthly income does not exceed the income limits based on the number of people who live in the household
• the rent or mortgage payment, utility bills, and in some cases medical, child care and child support expenses are considered in the eligibility determination process if proof of these expenses are provided.
Georgia has a pre screening eligibility tool -- use it to see if you are qualified. This is the main page of the Georgia food stamps program
Reply:it's not that simple. They take income, minus a standard deduction, minus standard deduction for utilities and they take what's left and take a % of that and the computer spits out the amt if any you are eligible for.. Each state is different..
Reply:call your local town office and ask to speak with the general assistance worker. they will have the details. it's town specific so you won't find the answer on here. good luck.
Reply:very little and you have to go through an extensive application
How much money do you have to make to be eligible for food stamps?
For the Georgia Food Stamps program
• you are a citizen of the United States or have a certain legal alien status
• you provide all of the required documents as proof of the household's situation
• resources such as checking accounts, savings accounts, and savings bonds are limited to a combined value of no more than $2,000.00. A household with at least one person who is disabled or age 60 or older has a resource limit of $3,000.00
• you and/or other household members comply with work requirements
• the household's gross monthly income does not exceed the income limits based on the number of people who live in the household
• the rent or mortgage payment, utility bills, and in some cases medical, child care and child support expenses are considered in the eligibility determination process if proof of these expenses are provided.
Georgia has a pre screening eligibility tool -- use it to see if you are qualified. This is the main page of the Georgia food stamps program
Reply:it's not that simple. They take income, minus a standard deduction, minus standard deduction for utilities and they take what's left and take a % of that and the computer spits out the amt if any you are eligible for.. Each state is different..
Reply:call your local town office and ask to speak with the general assistance worker. they will have the details. it's town specific so you won't find the answer on here. good luck.
Reply:very little and you have to go through an extensive application
How much money should you have if you want to retire in 2050?
I am 22 now and am curious how much money I should plan in investing in retirement. Should I consider planning on a 4% average inflation rate? I plan to have $42,000 invested in a 457 account by 2012.
How much money should you have if you want to retire in 2050?
You are wise to begin planning for your retirement at 22 years old. There are quite a few retirement calculators out there on the web. Rather than my asking you personal questions about income and marital status; some links are attached for your perusal.
Reply:This question is dependent on what level of retirement you want to live on.
A 4% inflation rate is somewhat higher than normal historical rates of 3%, but with the way prices are rising now, it might not be a bad start.
If you have 42K in a 457 by age 26, you are way ahead of the curve. I would just stuff it to the maximum allowed and that you feel comfortable with. I don't have a retirement calculator, (search the net for that) but if you can average out the return to 10-12% annually, I believe you should have enough to retire on. Even without social security.
I would guess to have an equivalent current income of 50K, you might need 1.75 to 2 million in the bank. This is a rough estimate.
Reply:Im not sure, but this is a good website to do a RSI score. Try it out hope it works.
How much money should you have if you want to retire in 2050?
You are wise to begin planning for your retirement at 22 years old. There are quite a few retirement calculators out there on the web. Rather than my asking you personal questions about income and marital status; some links are attached for your perusal.
Reply:This question is dependent on what level of retirement you want to live on.
A 4% inflation rate is somewhat higher than normal historical rates of 3%, but with the way prices are rising now, it might not be a bad start.
If you have 42K in a 457 by age 26, you are way ahead of the curve. I would just stuff it to the maximum allowed and that you feel comfortable with. I don't have a retirement calculator, (search the net for that) but if you can average out the return to 10-12% annually, I believe you should have enough to retire on. Even without social security.
I would guess to have an equivalent current income of 50K, you might need 1.75 to 2 million in the bank. This is a rough estimate.
Reply:Im not sure, but this is a good website to do a RSI score. Try it out hope it works.
How much money should I bring to Birmingham, England to vacation a week?
Im a broke college student planning to visit my very broke friend in Birmingham, England for a week in October. I will of course be staying with them but need to try to estimate how much I should try saving up seeing as the value of a dollar is alot less than a pound. Does anyone have an estimation of how much I should be trying for? I have no idea the cost of food, entertainment, and travel over there and don't want to end up not having enough money.
How much money should I bring to Birmingham, England to vacation a week?
id take £150, travel is about £5, food is about £7 a meal, a night out in a club with drinks can mount up to £30-40 depending obviously then daytrips maybe like £10 then extra incase and for gifts etc...
Have fun i live in this city its awesome!
Go to the club snobs, and visit stratford or the chocolate factory in bournville ;)
Reply:I would say 300-500 pounds is a good estimate because theres food and shopping and travel and it all amounts and then money for emergencies
Reply:for a decent week with nights out, eating out etc. about 150/200 pounds!
How much money should I bring to Birmingham, England to vacation a week?
id take £150, travel is about £5, food is about £7 a meal, a night out in a club with drinks can mount up to £30-40 depending obviously then daytrips maybe like £10 then extra incase and for gifts etc...
Have fun i live in this city its awesome!
Go to the club snobs, and visit stratford or the chocolate factory in bournville ;)
Reply:I would say 300-500 pounds is a good estimate because theres food and shopping and travel and it all amounts and then money for emergencies
Reply:for a decent week with nights out, eating out etc. about 150/200 pounds!
How much money do schools receive from the government?
I want to know how much money on average each school receives from the US and state governments. Any information would be helpful, but I need citations from reliable sources, please. :)
How much money do schools receive from the government?
Each school and district receives different amounts. This is public record. Your school's office should be able to give the school's report. Or check on line for your district.
How much money do schools receive from the government?
Each school and district receives different amounts. This is public record. Your school's office should be able to give the school's report. Or check on line for your district.
How much money can you bring from canada to the united states across the boder?
I was wondering how much money can you bring over the border with you are leaving canada and coming into the united states?
How much money can you bring from canada to the united states across the boder?
any amount, but $10,000 and up can be confiscated if you don't declare it
any time i travel with more than $1000, i also bring a receipt along for its withdrawal to show them it's legitimate
Reply:If you have MORE THAN $10,000 in CASH with you, the US Government will insist that you declare it at the border.
Same thing applies to bank cashiers cheques, and money orders . Why ? To prevent "money laundering ".
Jim B. Toronto.
Reply:10,000 in cash, the gov wants to know of more than this amount, you can do bank transfers for over this amount.
or you can gift the excess over to
Reply:Technically, any amount. However, anything over $10,000 must be declared to the Customs Service.
Reply:10 grand
How much money can you bring from canada to the united states across the boder?
any amount, but $10,000 and up can be confiscated if you don't declare it
any time i travel with more than $1000, i also bring a receipt along for its withdrawal to show them it's legitimate
Reply:If you have MORE THAN $10,000 in CASH with you, the US Government will insist that you declare it at the border.
Same thing applies to bank cashiers cheques, and money orders . Why ? To prevent "money laundering ".
Jim B. Toronto.
Reply:10,000 in cash, the gov wants to know of more than this amount, you can do bank transfers for over this amount.
or you can gift the excess over to
Reply:Technically, any amount. However, anything over $10,000 must be declared to the Customs Service.
Reply:10 grand
How much money would the government lose or gain if the current income tax was replaced with a flat tax?
Im doing a project for school and I can't the answer to this question anywhere. I need to know how much money would the government lose or gain if the flat tax was replaced with the graduated income tax.
How much money would the government lose or gain if the current income tax was replaced with a flat tax?
None, since the "flat tax" rate would be set to be revenue neutral which means the same amount would be collected.
The working poor, who pay no tax now and often get back money anyway through Earned Income Credit, and the middle class, would lose big time though, and most high earners would get a very nice tax break.
Reply:It is supposed to be revenue neutral but some people would pay less and most people, including you, would pay more.
Reply:I am not sure but you should try researching th Fair Tax may find what you are looking for...
How much money would the government lose or gain if the current income tax was replaced with a flat tax?
None, since the "flat tax" rate would be set to be revenue neutral which means the same amount would be collected.
The working poor, who pay no tax now and often get back money anyway through Earned Income Credit, and the middle class, would lose big time though, and most high earners would get a very nice tax break.
Reply:It is supposed to be revenue neutral but some people would pay less and most people, including you, would pay more.
Reply:I am not sure but you should try researching th Fair Tax may find what you are looking for...
How much money does pilots make per year and how do you become a pilot?
If you guys have any information about how you become a pilot by that i mean what do you need to study in collage for how many years and how much money does pilots make per year (international)
How much money does pilots make per year and how do you become a pilot?
Well, it can vary on experience,total flight time, education, and size of aircraft, the bigger the better. As far as becoming a pilot and going to college, you are not required to Major in AVIATION or to base your education in aviation related fields.As far as collage you can major in anything you would like to, it can be a back up if flying does not work out or you are unemployed. As far as airlines most of them require four yeas minimum but corporate airlines or private charters, will accept pilots with two associate degrees. as far as flying school goes you can obtain it through a local flight school where you can obtain all your licenses in order to far pay it will be based on experience for the it can range from USD 45,000-350,000 international range (from personal experience)
Reply:Professional pilots earn anywhere from about $15,000 US to $175,000 US per year. It takes 15-20 years of dedicated service to work up to the higher brackets, and most pilots drop out and go do something else before they reach that level. And it's all getting worse as the world's economy slides into the tank. There will be fewer aviation companies at all levels, and fewer jobs for pilots from now on out.
You can be a general commercial pilot without a college degree, but you must have a 4-year college degree to be hired by the major airlines. There are people who will argue about that, but they are behind the times.
Of course you need a 4-year degree to become a military flight officer.
If you want to go for a piloting career where a college degree is required, that is the best approach. Your college degree can be in any field you like, and you should NOT get a degree in "aviation science," aeronautical engineering, or any other subject related to aviation. Instead, get a degree that will give you another career field you can fall back on when you get furloughed or lose your medical certificate.
Right now the airlines are interested in people with degrees in law enforcement, psychology, business administration, and accounting, as well as the traditional degrees in science, math, and engineering.
Good luck!
Reply:What country?
What type of pilot? Commercial, Airline (not quite the same thing), military, private?
Reply:for beginners they are paid about 75000$
and 5-6 times more for pro's
If you guys have any information about how you become a pilot by that i mean what do you need to study in collage for how many years and how much money does pilots make per year (international)
How much money does pilots make per year and how do you become a pilot?
Well, it can vary on experience,total flight time, education, and size of aircraft, the bigger the better. As far as becoming a pilot and going to college, you are not required to Major in AVIATION or to base your education in aviation related fields.As far as collage you can major in anything you would like to, it can be a back up if flying does not work out or you are unemployed. As far as airlines most of them require four yeas minimum but corporate airlines or private charters, will accept pilots with two associate degrees. as far as flying school goes you can obtain it through a local flight school where you can obtain all your licenses in order to far pay it will be based on experience for the it can range from USD 45,000-350,000 international range (from personal experience)
Reply:Professional pilots earn anywhere from about $15,000 US to $175,000 US per year. It takes 15-20 years of dedicated service to work up to the higher brackets, and most pilots drop out and go do something else before they reach that level. And it's all getting worse as the world's economy slides into the tank. There will be fewer aviation companies at all levels, and fewer jobs for pilots from now on out.
You can be a general commercial pilot without a college degree, but you must have a 4-year college degree to be hired by the major airlines. There are people who will argue about that, but they are behind the times.
Of course you need a 4-year degree to become a military flight officer.
If you want to go for a piloting career where a college degree is required, that is the best approach. Your college degree can be in any field you like, and you should NOT get a degree in "aviation science," aeronautical engineering, or any other subject related to aviation. Instead, get a degree that will give you another career field you can fall back on when you get furloughed or lose your medical certificate.
Right now the airlines are interested in people with degrees in law enforcement, psychology, business administration, and accounting, as well as the traditional degrees in science, math, and engineering.
Good luck!
Reply:What country?
What type of pilot? Commercial, Airline (not quite the same thing), military, private?
Reply:for beginners they are paid about 75000$
and 5-6 times more for pro's
How much money does a secretary make monthly?
I need this answer for a project. I need to know how much money they make monely and how many hours they work weekly. I prefer secretaries that live close to Williamsburg, New York. Or around New York (New Jersey or PA) Please respond.
How much money does a secretary make monthly?
The salary/remuneration for a particular job is the market value for a particular profession and designation at the city/town where the office is located. Job postings at websites like Monster, Yahoo HotJobs and Careerbuilder carry information about salaries. The Govt Dept of Labor, ( Bureau of statistics has information about median salaries for different professions and details of additional compensation offered. Other online resources are and payscale. Your salary will also depend on your educational qualification and how you handle your career. More details and links to relevant websites available at
How much money does a secretary make monthly?
The salary/remuneration for a particular job is the market value for a particular profession and designation at the city/town where the office is located. Job postings at websites like Monster, Yahoo HotJobs and Careerbuilder carry information about salaries. The Govt Dept of Labor, ( Bureau of statistics has information about median salaries for different professions and details of additional compensation offered. Other online resources are and payscale. Your salary will also depend on your educational qualification and how you handle your career. More details and links to relevant websites available at
How much money does Alberta make from the oil and gas industry?
Alberta is a rich and prospering province and I was wondering exactly how much money Alberta makes from oil and gas. I'm estimating it is somewhere in the billions?
How much money does Alberta make from the oil and gas industry?
For all U need to know, click below -
floral shops
How much money does Alberta make from the oil and gas industry?
For all U need to know, click below -
floral shops
How much money should I take to Germany for a 1 week holiday?
I am going to Germany for a week, and my hotel is already paid for, and most f my meals. How much extra money should I take for travelling around Germany and shopping etc?
How much money should I take to Germany for a 1 week holiday?
You can get along with about 20 euros a day, but if you want to dine out and maybe buy some souvenirs, rather count 50 in for the first two days, then it'll lower down. So, let's say, as a tourist, your budget should be around 200 euros at least. If there's leftover money, be glad. Germany is an expensive country. I know that, I live here.
If you plan to travel, ASK THE LOCALS for cheap train tickets. This is imperative! You'll never find out what the cheapest train connections are if you only speak English. Advance booking at makes no sense, as you'll miss the cheapest offers. But German people are usually willing to assist, and speak rather good English.
Reply:good job Alwin Report Abuse
Reply:Alwin's advice is a good one I would take it. Definate BA so far.
I will just confirm that carrying all cash is not safe and travellers checks can be expensive for you have to buy them and then also pay to convert them and with the dollar weaker than the Euro it gets costly. I use some cash and my ATM card that has VISA or MC on it, They all work at the geldomatics (ATM's) and you can use banks too when they are open. This will save you some money in exchange fees.
Reply:I took $400 American when I went last October. I got it exchanged before I left. That paid for shopping and a few meals out with my family. It's definitely worth the trip. You'll spend way to much money, but you'll enjoy every minute of it. :o) When are you going?
Reply:So the $ is so low, you need so round 800-1000 Euro. This included meals, shopping and also if you want to see another cities. I hope this will be enough. Have fun, great Country.
Reply:$1,000 = €650 or just under €100/day should do ok.
Reply:well, since gas is like 8 or 9 bucks a gallon over there i would take as much as possible. even if you dont spend it all its better to have too much than not enough
Reply:I recommend if you travel... take a bavarian train ticket. Its about 20 euros a day and you can travel on it all day. Eat out at the local bakeries... its cheap and you can get a good taste of the food. Also... Germany is very old.. and most of the sights to see are free... just enjoy the country and what you see.. there are all kinds of castles, ruins, and county side to see... i recommend no more then 200... that is still pretty high... but its all about what you want to see.
Reply:I went to Germany for two weeks and I probably used over $200. So I'd bring alot with you...just take a credit card...I'd always take extra for the "just in case"!
How much money should I take to Germany for a 1 week holiday?
You can get along with about 20 euros a day, but if you want to dine out and maybe buy some souvenirs, rather count 50 in for the first two days, then it'll lower down. So, let's say, as a tourist, your budget should be around 200 euros at least. If there's leftover money, be glad. Germany is an expensive country. I know that, I live here.
If you plan to travel, ASK THE LOCALS for cheap train tickets. This is imperative! You'll never find out what the cheapest train connections are if you only speak English. Advance booking at makes no sense, as you'll miss the cheapest offers. But German people are usually willing to assist, and speak rather good English.
Reply:good job Alwin Report Abuse
Reply:Alwin's advice is a good one I would take it. Definate BA so far.
I will just confirm that carrying all cash is not safe and travellers checks can be expensive for you have to buy them and then also pay to convert them and with the dollar weaker than the Euro it gets costly. I use some cash and my ATM card that has VISA or MC on it, They all work at the geldomatics (ATM's) and you can use banks too when they are open. This will save you some money in exchange fees.
Reply:I took $400 American when I went last October. I got it exchanged before I left. That paid for shopping and a few meals out with my family. It's definitely worth the trip. You'll spend way to much money, but you'll enjoy every minute of it. :o) When are you going?
Reply:So the $ is so low, you need so round 800-1000 Euro. This included meals, shopping and also if you want to see another cities. I hope this will be enough. Have fun, great Country.
Reply:$1,000 = €650 or just under €100/day should do ok.
Reply:well, since gas is like 8 or 9 bucks a gallon over there i would take as much as possible. even if you dont spend it all its better to have too much than not enough
Reply:I recommend if you travel... take a bavarian train ticket. Its about 20 euros a day and you can travel on it all day. Eat out at the local bakeries... its cheap and you can get a good taste of the food. Also... Germany is very old.. and most of the sights to see are free... just enjoy the country and what you see.. there are all kinds of castles, ruins, and county side to see... i recommend no more then 200... that is still pretty high... but its all about what you want to see.
Reply:I went to Germany for two weeks and I probably used over $200. So I'd bring alot with you...just take a credit card...I'd always take extra for the "just in case"!
How much money should I bring to the mall and how should i spend it?
I shop at clothing stores like hollister and aeropostale and american eagle. What else should i buy besides clothes? I am going wuth two of my friends but thir bringing their own money. What else should we do besides shop? Be spepic.
How much money should I bring to the mall and how should i spend it?
There are many different things to do, depending on your mall.
If your mall has an arcade, go there. You can also stop by the food court, and get smoothies or food, and just chill on a bench and talk. Also, if its a nice day, go for a walk outside.
I would say to bring $50 or less, depending on how much money you have, and what you are planning to get.
Before you shop for pleasure, shop for needs. That way, you won't run out of money.
Reply:You should bring about $500 and tell me what mall, I will meet you there, and you can give it to me!!
Solves both of our problems- haha!!
Reply:I say shop! I power shop, lol, and have the receipts to prove it. With that said, I don't think I'm the best one to say how much money you should bring.
How much money should I bring to the mall and how should i spend it?
There are many different things to do, depending on your mall.
If your mall has an arcade, go there. You can also stop by the food court, and get smoothies or food, and just chill on a bench and talk. Also, if its a nice day, go for a walk outside.
I would say to bring $50 or less, depending on how much money you have, and what you are planning to get.
Before you shop for pleasure, shop for needs. That way, you won't run out of money.
Reply:You should bring about $500 and tell me what mall, I will meet you there, and you can give it to me!!
Solves both of our problems- haha!!
Reply:I say shop! I power shop, lol, and have the receipts to prove it. With that said, I don't think I'm the best one to say how much money you should bring.
How much money can my siblings and I give to our mother per year, before we have to pay taxes?
How much money could any one of us give her before we have to pay taxes? Considering there are four of us, is there a total she could receive in aggregate? This is in the United States.
How much money can my siblings and I give to our mother per year, before we have to pay taxes?
You can each give her $12,000 per year. If you give her more than that you would have to file a gift tax return, but you have a $1,000,000 lifetime exclusion that you could put any excess against above the $12,000 limit.
Reply:You, your siblings and your and their spouses may each give her $12,000 without anyone paying any taxes. You may also give her up to $1 million dollars without anyone paying taxes and if any of you give more than the $12,000 you must file a "gift %26amp; estate" tax return. So don't worry. give enough to make her comfortable.
Reply:You could each give her $12,000 a year without having to file a gift tax return. If you're married, you and your spouse could each give her that much without filing a gift tax return. So that would be somewhere between $48,000 and $96,000 for the year, depending on how many of you are married.
Even if you have to file a gift tax return, yoju don't necessarily owe any gift tax.
Reply:You don't pay tax for giving more than $12,000. You can give up to $12.000 to anyone without having to do anything. If you give someone more than that in one year you have to file a gift tax return. Basically, you are reducing the amount of assets you can pass at death tax free by the amount over $12,000.
Reply:STS1SS is correct. Pay all the expenses of your mother that is provide her support. Then each of you can separately gift her $12,000 without any gift tax liability.
If you and your spouse together gift her more than $12,000 but up to $24,000, there will not be any gift tax but you will have to file gift tax return.
Reply:$12,000 per IRS in 2007
Reply:Are you a Filipino? In the Philippines we are obliged to pay back to our parents after raising us, giving us the best education hoping that after graduation and landing a high paying job they can retire and we'll support them. But I think in Japan and the US since older people receive pension and due to the difference in culture, it is the parents' obligation to raise their children and give them the best education that they can have so they will have a better future. And when these children grew up and settle down it's their turn to support their own children. It's some kind of chain reaction.
But in your case you have to talk to your parents, all four of you and ask her what she expects from you, if she needed support maybe you can calculate how much she really needs and you can make arrangement. Remember that you have your personal needs too and you also have to put a certain amount for your savings. Think ahead.
Reply:according to my cpa, you can give a person $12,000 without paying taxes
therefore, each of you could give her that amount
Reply:Also, if she has medical bills, you can pay those directly to the provider and that won't count toward the $12,000.
Reply:This appears to me to be overly complicated.
I assume you are asking this because your mother is in need of some kind of support?
$12,500 if the money is a gift. If you claim here as a dependent then monies used to support her are not a gift, and therefore not taxable. In fact you would be entitled to claim her as a dependednt if you provide more than 50% of her support.
Ask an accountant to be sure, but if the question arises from a need to provide her support, consider taking her on as a dependent.
Obviously factors such as her income, if any, do come into play.
Good luck.
How much money can my siblings and I give to our mother per year, before we have to pay taxes?
You can each give her $12,000 per year. If you give her more than that you would have to file a gift tax return, but you have a $1,000,000 lifetime exclusion that you could put any excess against above the $12,000 limit.
Reply:You, your siblings and your and their spouses may each give her $12,000 without anyone paying any taxes. You may also give her up to $1 million dollars without anyone paying taxes and if any of you give more than the $12,000 you must file a "gift %26amp; estate" tax return. So don't worry. give enough to make her comfortable.
Reply:You could each give her $12,000 a year without having to file a gift tax return. If you're married, you and your spouse could each give her that much without filing a gift tax return. So that would be somewhere between $48,000 and $96,000 for the year, depending on how many of you are married.
Even if you have to file a gift tax return, yoju don't necessarily owe any gift tax.
Reply:You don't pay tax for giving more than $12,000. You can give up to $12.000 to anyone without having to do anything. If you give someone more than that in one year you have to file a gift tax return. Basically, you are reducing the amount of assets you can pass at death tax free by the amount over $12,000.
Reply:STS1SS is correct. Pay all the expenses of your mother that is provide her support. Then each of you can separately gift her $12,000 without any gift tax liability.
If you and your spouse together gift her more than $12,000 but up to $24,000, there will not be any gift tax but you will have to file gift tax return.
Reply:$12,000 per IRS in 2007
Reply:Are you a Filipino? In the Philippines we are obliged to pay back to our parents after raising us, giving us the best education hoping that after graduation and landing a high paying job they can retire and we'll support them. But I think in Japan and the US since older people receive pension and due to the difference in culture, it is the parents' obligation to raise their children and give them the best education that they can have so they will have a better future. And when these children grew up and settle down it's their turn to support their own children. It's some kind of chain reaction.
But in your case you have to talk to your parents, all four of you and ask her what she expects from you, if she needed support maybe you can calculate how much she really needs and you can make arrangement. Remember that you have your personal needs too and you also have to put a certain amount for your savings. Think ahead.
Reply:according to my cpa, you can give a person $12,000 without paying taxes
therefore, each of you could give her that amount
Reply:Also, if she has medical bills, you can pay those directly to the provider and that won't count toward the $12,000.
Reply:This appears to me to be overly complicated.
I assume you are asking this because your mother is in need of some kind of support?
$12,500 if the money is a gift. If you claim here as a dependent then monies used to support her are not a gift, and therefore not taxable. In fact you would be entitled to claim her as a dependednt if you provide more than 50% of her support.
Ask an accountant to be sure, but if the question arises from a need to provide her support, consider taking her on as a dependent.
Obviously factors such as her income, if any, do come into play.
Good luck.
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